🔍 Overview
is a simple and lightweight wrapper on faker.js that allows for multiple async mongodb seeding to make the development process easier and quicker
⏳ Installation
$ npm i async-mongodb-seeder
👋 Getting started
Learn by example? Check the sample app out.
1. Setting up seed
Call the seed with a array of jobs
let results
const schemaOperationOptions = name: 'lorem' func: 'sentence' name: 'image' func: 'imageUrl' name: 'random' func: 'boolean' const schemaProps = title: null img: null completed: null const job = total: 10 schemaProps schemaOperationOptions MongoSchema: Todo
3. MongoDB model
Here you need to create a mongoDB model, below is an example
const TodoSchema = title: String img: type: String default: '' completed: type: Boolean default: false timestamps: true 'todo' TodoSchema
💡 Contributing
This package is still early doors. Please do get involved, feel free to critique it, offer solutions that can change its approach slightly, or request examples on how you want to use it. Spotted a bug, need something adding? Raise an issue. Pull requests welcome. 👌