
3.4.1 • Public • Published


try {
	var targetObject = JSON.parse(someJsonStuff);

let iteratee = (value, callback) => {
	setTimeout(() => {
		console.log('done with', value)
		return callback(null); // I can pass truthy to error - which would break the traversal
	}, 100);	

To use with callback:

asyncRecurse(targetObject, iteratee, options, (err) => {
	if (err) throw Err;


To use as an ES6 promise, do not pass a fourth argument:

asyncRecurse(targetObject, worker, options)

Or most simply:

asyncRecurse(targetObject, worker)

Basic behavior

If called as an ES6 Promise, then the worker can itself be a Promise. Either way, the worker can always be a function with the arguments value and callback. The worker's callback can take an error argument, which if truthy, will prematurely terminate the traversal in a similar fashion to how Promise.all will break the iteration if anything fails. If you choose to define your worker as a Promise, then you can reject to get the same behavior.


Name Type Default
includeLeaves Boolean true
includeBranches Boolean false
parallel Boolean true

If parallel is off, the work will be done serially - the next worker won't start until the previous finished. The walk is performed as a depth-first pre-order traversal and the order serialization will accord.

A branch is an Object or Array and a leaf is everything else (in other words if you're parsing from JSON a leaf must be a String, Number, Boolean, or null).

by Dillon Bostwick

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