This wrapper is still under heavy construction and only a few endpoints work. Please open an issue at or send me a mail at
This wrapper does not yet manage rate limits, caching etc. so please do that yourself for now. I plan to add it in a future update. It does give you the response code back if the response is not 200 OK like this:
{response_code: number, message: string}
npm install async-riot-api-wrapper
// Require the initial API
const RiotAPI = require('async-riot-api-wrapper');
// Initialize the API:
const api = new RiotAPI(key, server); // Currently supported servers: EUW, EUNE, NA
// Either use async function or promise
async function awaitTest() {
const summoner = await api.getSummonerByName(summonerName);
/** @returns
* { id: Number,
* accountId: Number,
* name: String,
* profileIconId: Number,
* revisionDate: Number,
* summonerLevel: Number }
* /