
0.6.0 • Public • Published

async XML Generator

performance? foock it! i'm faster than that.

async xml builder and generator

nukular engine of Δt

Runs on server and browser side (same code).


npm install asyncxml


asyncxml = require('asyncxml')
xml = new asyncxml.Builder({pretty:true})
xml.on('data', function (chunk) {
// build some xml
xml.tag("xml", {version:"1.0"})
            .tag("entry", function () {
                this.attr('id', 1)
            .tag("entry", {id:2}, "foo").up()
# this would result in the same xml 
xml.tag "xml"version:"1.0"->
    @$tag "list"->
        @$tag "entry"->
        @$tag "entry"id:2"foo"
<!-- stdout -->
<xml version="1.0">
    <entry id=1/>
    <entry id=2>



xml = new asyncxml.Builder({pretty:true})
  • opts.pretty switch to toggle pretty printing of the xml output
  • opts.level start indention level of xml (starting with -1) when pretty is on

Use this to build and grow a XML forest.

The Builder provides a single environment for many tags and an API for Adapters to interact with the tag events.

xml.tag(name, [attrs, [children, [opts]]])

tag.tag("xml", {version:"1.0"}, function() { … })

Same as Tag::tag.

xml.$tag(name, [attrs, [children, [opts]]])

tag.$tag("xml", {version:"1.0"}, function() { … })

Same as Tag::$tag.

Same as Tag::show.



Same as Tag::hide.



Same as Tag::remove.


xml.ready(function () {
  console.log("builder is done.")

Instead of Tag::ready it waits for the end event,



Same as Tag::end but without a close event.

xml.register(type, checkfn)

xml.register('new', function (parent, tag, next) {
    // this gets called _before_ every new tag gets announced ('new' and 'add' event)
    next(tag) // call next with the new tag to approve that the new tag can be announced
xml.register('end', function (tag, next) {
    // this gets called _before_ every gets closed
    next(tag) // call next with the closing tag to approve that the tag can be closed

This is a plugin API method.

There are only 2 types: ["new", "end"].

The checkfn function of type new must get 3 parameters: (parent, tag, next).

The checkfn function of type end must get 2 parameters: (tag, next).

The Δt Compiler uses this API to create new tags before others.

xml.approve(type, parent, tag, callback)

This is an internal API method to invoke a checkfn list registered with Builder::register by plugins.

xml.query(type, tag, key)


This is a adapter API method.

Every time a text, an attribute or a tag is requested the tag will ask the builder for the values. A adapter has now the opportunity to override the query method of the builder instance to provide a specialised query method.

The jQuery Adapter for example uses it to provide the values right out of the DOM (eg for type text it returns the value of jQuery.text).

Tag(name, [attrs, [children, [opts]]])

tag = new asyncxml.Tag("xml", {version:"1.0"}, function() { … }, opts)
  • name the nodeName
  • attrs an object that contains all tag attributes
  • children a function representing the children scope of the tag (see Tag::children for more)
  • opts some internal options

Normally you don't need to instantiate this, because you should use Tag::tag and Builder::tag instead.

tag.tag(name, [attrs, [children, [opts]]])

tag.tag("name", {attrs:null}, function () { … })
// these work as well:
tag.tag("name", {attrs:null}, "content")
tag.tag("name", function () {})
tag.tag("name", "content")

Same api as Tag. info tag is not closed.

Emits a new and add Event.

tag.$tag(name, [attrs, [children, [opts]]])

tag.$tag("sync", function() { … })

Same api as Tag, with one difference: tag.end() is called right after the children scope (even when no children scope is applied).

Emits a new, add and end Event (end is emitted after the children scope).


tag.$tag("tag", "content").toString()
(new a.Tag("tag", "content")).tag("troll").up().end().toString()
// both => '<tag>content</tag>'

This returns the String representation of the tag when its closed.

It only contains text content, no children tags, because tags are garbage collected when their not in use anymore.


tag.children(function () {
    this.$tag("quote", "trololo") // same as this.$tag("quote").children("trololo")
tag.children("content") // same as tag.text("content")

This applies a children scope on a tag.

The tag instance directly accessible via this.

The children parameter of Tag::tag is passed to this method.

Emits whatever event is emitted inside the children scope (of course).



Returns the root parent (recursive).

Doesn't close the tag nor its parents.


tag.up({end:false}) // don't close tag

Useful for chaining, because it returns the parent tag.

It closes the tag by default unless opts.end is set to false.

Can emit an end Event.


other = new asyncxml.Tag("other")

Append a new Tag.

Adapter specific objects can be passed too.

For example if you use the jQuery Adapter you can pass a jQuery Object as parameter.

Emits an add Event.


other = new asyncxml.Tag("other")

Replace a tag with another one.

todo merge tag instances on data model level

Emits a replace Event.



Remove a tag immediately. The tag gets automatically closed.

Emits a remove Event.

tag.attr([key, [value]])

tag.attr() // results in an js object containing all tag attributes
tag.attr("id") // results in the value of attribute "id"
tag.attr("id", 3) // set attribute "id" to 3 and returns the tag instance for chaining
tag.attr({id:4}) // set many attributes at once

Set or Get tag attributes.

When using an adapter getting an attribute results in a value provided by the adapter.

When getting a value the results can be interpreted as follow:

  • undefined the tag doesn't have this attribute
  • null the attributes doesn't have a value
  • everything else is a the value of the attribute

e.g. if you use the jQuery Adapter the resulting value is the return value of jQuery.attr.

Emits an attr Event.

tag.text([content, [opts]])

tag.text() // get text of a tag
tag.text("content") // set text

Set or Get tag text content.


  • escape
  • append

Emits a text and data Event.

When using an adapter getting text results in the content provided by the adapter.

e.g. if you use the jQuery Adapter the resulting text is the return value of jQuery.text.

tag.raw(html, [opts])


Insert raw html content into a tag.

Emits a raw and data Event.

tag.write(data, [opts])

fs = require('fs')

Write tag data.

Useful to pipe file content into a tag (as text). (dunno what happens if you pipe binary through)


  • escape

Emits a data Event.



Hide a tag.

When a tag is hidden, data events are omitted.

Emits a hide Event.

Show a tag.

Reverses the effect from Tag::hide.

Emits a show Event.



Closes a tag.

The end event will only appear when all children tags are closed.

The close event gets triggered when the closing part of the tag (</tag>) gets emitted.

Emits an end and a close Event.


Some events have special behavior when it comes to where they can be received.

Most events travel up the XML tree, some can be only received on their parents.


['add', 'attr', 'text', 'raw', 'data', 'show', 'hide', 'remove', 'replace', 'close']

These events can be received from every single tag.

When you listen on a specific tag you get these events from the tag you are listening on and from all the children tags (recursive).

When you listen on a builder instance you get all events from all tags.


['new', 'end']

These events can be received from every single tag.

When you listen for new on a specific tag you get 'new' events from only the tag you are listening on and from all its direct children (only 1 level deep).

When you listen for new on a builder instance you get 'new' events for all the tags that are created direclty on the builder.

When you listen for end on a specific tag you get the 'end' event only from the tag you are listening on.

When you listen for end on a builder instance you get the 'end' event when the last tag is closed.


It's recursive! just add a builder instance to a tag:

xml = new Builder
sub = new Builder
root = xml.tag('root').add(sub).end()

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