
0.9.2 • Public • Published



autochecker tests your libraries in many different versions of NodeJS, Ruby, Java and many other languages.

Created to make it easier and effortless to make sure your library works in many versions of a language runtime.

Works well with CI as well! (See some example output)

(Works out of the box with NodeJS projects right now, more in the future!)

Demonstration of functionality


  • Docker -> install here
  • package.json scripts.test setup correctly (for NodeJS projects)
  • Two environment variables, DOCKER_HOST and DOCKER_CERT_PATH (comes by default with docker-machine)

DOCKER_HOST should look similar to this: tcp://

DOCKER_CERT_PATH should look similar to this: /Users/victor/.docker/machine/machines/default


As always, one step:

  • For one project > npm install autochecker

  • Globally on your computer OR to use with other languages > npm install -g autochecker

For extra style points, make sure autochecker is run before publishing your modules:

In package.json:

    "prepublish": "autochecker 0.10 0.12 4.0 5.0"

Running NodeJS project out of the box

By default, executing autochecker will run the tests on all available versions.

You can specify which versions you want to test by adding them in the end of the command:

autochecker 0.10 0.11 4 5.10.1

Versions comes from the mhart/alpine-node docker image tags

Running with other languages

To see how you can run autochecker with a Ruby project + CI integration, please take a look at this repository:

Otherwise, there is a couple of examples of other languages in the /examples directory

Setting max running tests

By default, autochecker starts as many testing sessions as os.cpu().length would return.

However, you can overwrite this by providing the TEST_LIMIT environment variable.

Example: TEST_LIMIT=10 autochecker to run 10 test sessions at a time

Custom Dockerfile template

You can specify custom Dockerfile template if you need additional tools installed, for example if you need git, create a file in the project DockerTemplate with the following

FROM mhart/alpine-node:$VERSION
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json .
# Adding extra tools
RUN apk add --update git
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD npm test

Variable $VERSION will be replaced by autochecker. More information about alpine images and additional tools at docker-alpine and alpine-node.

Aside from adding libraries to the container, the custom template can be useful to avoid running postinstall hooks. Just use RUN npm install --ignore-scripts instead.

Programmatic API

You can use autochecker in your own projects from NodeJS directly.

var autochecker = require('autochecker')
const Docker = require('dockerode')
var dockerode_instance = new Docker({socketPath: '/var/run/docker.sock'});
  logger: (msg) => { console.log(msg) },
  docker: dockerode_instance,
  version: '1.1.1', // version of project
  name: 'myproject', // name of project
  test_cmd: ['npm', 'test'], // command to run tests with
  image_name: 'app/image:commit', // What the built application image will be called
  path: join(__dirname, 'path_to_project'), // Path to project to build
  dockerfile: 'FROM nodejs:$VERSION', // Dockerfile
  base_image: 'base/image', // Base image, will add :$VERSION to the end
  verbose: false // To show full output or not
})((err, results) => {
  // => {version: '1.1.1', success: true || false, output: 'output from test_cmd'}

See cli.js for usage with testing multiple versions at once.


You can find a list of all versions and changes in the file


MIT License 2016 - Victor Bjelkholm



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  • victorbjelkholm