Nodejs Avangate IPN confirmation
var ipn = require("avangate") .initWithKey("YOUR SECRET KEY"); // ipn directly extends [EventEmitter](http://nodejs.org/api/events.html#events_class_events_eventemitter)// add a handler for validated IPNsipn.on(ipn.EVENTS.VALIDATED, function(ipn){ console.log("Validate:\n" + JSON.stringify(ipn, null, 2)); }); // add handler for rejected IPNsipn.on(ipn.EVENTS.REJECTED, function(ipn){ console.log("Rejected:\n" + JSON.stringify(ipn, null, 2)); }); //confirm the avangate IPNipn.confirmIpn(req, res);
Sample Express usage for Avangate IPN confirmation
//This requires body-parse version > 1.2.2var express = require('express');var ipn = require('../lib/ipn').initWithKey("YOUR SECRET KEY");var app = express(); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); app.use(bodyParser.json());//NOTE: this tells bodyParser to use the querystring modules instead of qs module// this is required to parse Avangate IPNSapp.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended:false})); app.post('/', ipn.confirmIpn);app.listen(8888);
additional relevant documentation can be found in [lib/ipn.js] Checkout [samples/ipn_server.js] and [[test/express_test.js] ] for an working examples
The secret key in this example is: AABBCCDDEEFF For this example, the response is built in the same way, only using shorter data formats for date values. HMAC source string is built from the following:
Field name, Length, Field value
IPN_PID[0] 1 1
IPN_PNAME[0] 16 Software program
IPN_DATE 14 20050303123434
DATE 14 20050303123434
Therefore, the HMAC source string will be:
1116Software program14200503031234341420050303123434
while the HMAC MD5 string will be:
The response to output anywhere in the page defined as the IPN URL has to be:
If the string above is valid, and acknowledged by Avangate, the notification is marked in the Avangate system as "successfully sent". Contrary to this situation, the IPN notification will be re-sent at increasing time intervals, until successfully confirmed. Also, an error notification will be displayed in the Control Panel Dashboard area.