Welcome Pipeline Creation Application!
This Application will create a new Pipeline with main parameters set
Useful commands
npm run build
compile typescript to js -
npm run watch
watch for changes and compile -
npm run test
perform the jest unit tests -
cdk deploy
deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region -
cdk diff
compare deployed stack with the current state -
cdk synth
emits the synthesized CloudFormation template -
cdk bootstrap
deployment of an AWS CloudFormation template to a specific AWS environment -
compile typescript to js -
npm test
run Unit Tests
To Install the application enter next commands to the console:
1) Install aws-cdk-templates.
npm i aws-cdk-templates
2) Add Codepipeline bootstrap script to package.json.
npm set-script pipeline-bootstrap "cd ./node_modules/aws-cdk-templates && cdk bootstrap
3) Add Codepipeline deployment script to package.json.
npm set-script pipeline-deploy "cd ./node_modules/aws-cdk-templates && cdk deploy"
- or
Install package and scripts all together.
npm i aws-cdk-templates && npm set-script pipeline-bootstrap "cd ./node_modules/aws-cdk-templates && cdk bootstrap" && npm set-script pipeline-deploy "cd ./node_modules/aws-cdk-templates && cdk deploy"
Pipeline Block
To create a new Pipeline you will need to have and provide the next data in the - AWS Account with the corresponding Role to work with required permissions.
- All necessary params to create a new Pipeline and all needed services.
1) Repository Credentials to be tracked
To use a GitHub (version 2) or BitBucket Repository in a CodePipeline:
Connection has to be established manually in the AWS Console !!!
- actionName:
, (use this string!) - owner:
UserName of the Repository owner
(ex: 'user123'), - repo:
Repository name
(ex: 'repository123'), - branch:
Branch name
(ex: 'main'), - connectionArn:
connectionArn can be taken after connection establishing in the 'AWS Pipelines' connections page
(ex: 'arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-2:123456789102:connection/1aa1a111-1111-1111-1111-1aa111a11a1a')
To use a CodeCommit Repository in a CodePipeline:
- actionName:
, (use this string!) - repo:
Repository name
(ex: 'repository123'), - branch:
Branch name
(ex: 'main'),
2) New CloudFormation Stack --> PipelineProject info
- projectName:
Name of the new CloudFormation Stack (Project) to be created
(ex: 'newPipelineStackProject').
3) New Pipeline Instace info
- pipelineName:
Name of the new Pipeline Instace to be created
(ex: 'newFirstPipeline').
Slack Notifications Block
- To create a Slack Notifications you have to pass the
boolean in the corresponding prop
To connect a recently created Pipeline to the Slack app in order to recieve notifications
- Create a new Slack Channel in your Slack WorkSpace.
- Establish a new Connection in the 'AWS Chatbot' ('Configure a new client)
--> slackWorkspaceId can be taken from 'AWS Chatbot' --> 'Slack workspace' Client. - Add slackWorkspaceId to the Notification Rule.
- Check the Slack App after Pipeline process
To Deploy the Codepipeline enter to the console next commands:
npm run pipeline-bootstrap
deployment of an AWS CloudFormation template to a specific AWS environment -
npm run pipeline-deploy
deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region