
1.2.6 • Public • Published



Logs activity across all services under a single AWS account. Optional features can be enabled to trigger Email notifications based on the logs severity level.

JavaScript Node AWS Dynamo Lambda SES


Install the Package

  npm install aws-logging

Import the module

 let Logger = require('aws-logging');

Configure your logger

        tableName : "SERVICE-LOGS",  
        mailList : [""],
        stage : "Dev",
        mailSubject : "New AWS Log",
        sourceEmail : "",
        notifyOnSeverityLevel : 10,
        serviceName : "sample-service",
        enableNotifications : false,
        region : "us-east-2",
        accessKeyId : "xxxx",
        secretAccessKey : "xxxx"



Make sure the IAM role has the following permissions enabled on AWS AND in your app.

(The role you generated your Access Key and Secret from)

    - Effect: "Allow"
        - "logs:*"
      Resource: "*" 
    - Effect: "Allow"
        - "dynamodb:*"
      Resource: "*"
    - Effect: "Allow"
      Action: "ses:ListIdentities"
      Resource: "*" 
    - Effect: "Allow"
      Action: "ses:SendEmail"
      Resource: "*"
Parameter Type Description
tableName String Required. The name of the table that will be automatically created to store your logs. Defaults to "SERVICE-LOGS". Must be unique from other table names.
mailList Array Optional. A list of recipient emails that will recieve log alerts
mailSubject String Optional. The email subject to be displayed for recipients when they recieve a log alert. Defaults to "New AWS Log"
sourceEmail String Optional. The sender email used to send the logs. Must be a verified email in your AWS account or under a verified Domain
notifyOnSeverityLevel Integer Required. The severity level a log must have in order to trigger an email alert. Defaults to 10. (max 10 - min 0)
serviceName String Required. The name of the service you added this package to. This will be used to identify which service the log belongs to in the SERVICE-LOGS table
enableNotifications Boolean Optional. Specify if you want email alerts enabled. Note : If set to true, The following fields will be required : mailList, and sourceEmail .
region String Required . The AWS region you want this Logger configured for. Note : Must be the same as the region that the sourceEmail is configured for in your AWS account
accessKeyId String Required . Your AWS IAM access Key. Not required if you dont have to configure this before using aws-sdk in your service
secretAccessKey String Required . Your AWS IAM secret Key. Not required if you dont have to configure this before using aws-sdk in your service


Parameter Type Description
message String Required. The message you want to log
severity Array Optional. Severity level (max 10 - min 0). Defaults : {Log : 1 , Warn : 2 , Error : 3}
details JSON Object Optional. Any additional details you may want to add. Defaults to false

Partial example from this example app

var express = require('express');
const serverless = require('serverless-http');
var app = express();
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
const Logger = require("aws-logging");

    mailList : [process.env.RECIEVER_EMAIL_1],
    sourceEmail : process.env.SOURCE_EMAIL,
    notifyOnSeverityLevel : 5,
    serviceName : process.env.SERVICE_NAME,
    enableNotifications : true,
    accessKeyId : process.env.KEY,
    secretAccessKey : process.env.SECRET

app.get('/', async function (req, res) {

    try {

        await Logger.log("Health Check ran", 1, {request : {body : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(req.body))}});
    } catch (error) {
        await Logger.error(error.message,3,
                stack : error.stack,
                error : String(error)
        res.send({'error' : error}).sendStatus(500);


module.exports.handler = serverless(app);


 await Logger.log("Logging data");
 await Logger.log("Logging data", 1);
 await Logger.log("Logging data", 1 , {attribute1 : "1", attribute1 : "2", }); 


 await Logger.warn("Warning data");
 await Logger.warn("Warning data", 2);
 await Logger.warn("Warning data", 2 , {attribute1 : "1", attribute1 : "2", }); 


 await Logger.error("Error data");
 await Logger.error("Error data", 3);
 await Logger.error("Error data", 3 , {attribute1 : "1", attribute1 : "2", });  

Short Methods

These shorter methods just swap the argument order for details and severity.


 await Logger.l("Log data");
 await Logger.l("Log data with object", {attribute1 : "1", attribute1 : "2", });
 await Logger.l("Log data with object and sev", {attribute1 : "1", attribute1 : "2", }, 1);  


 await Logger.w("Warn data");
 await Logger.w("Warn data with object", {attribute1 : "1", attribute1 : "2", });
 await Logger.w("Warn data with object and sev", {attribute1 : "1", attribute1 : "2", }, 2);  


 await Logger.e("Error data");
 await Logger.e("Error data with object", {attribute1 : "1", attribute1 : "2", });
 await Logger.e("Error data with object and sev", {attribute1 : "1", attribute1 : "2", }, 3);  

Package Sidebar


npm i aws-logging

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  • fsobh