Auth interceptors for Axios client. Integrates with node-cache-manager, (or any implmenting interface of node-cache-manager) for caching auth tokens based on the ttl specified in the grant response.
Using npm
npm install --save axios-auth-interceptors
import { caching } from 'cache-manager';
import axios from 'axios';
import { Authorizer, ClientCredentialsStrategy } from 'axios-auth-interceptors';
const main = async () => {
// Define your auth strategy.
// For this example, the ClientCredentialsStrategy needs its own axios instance
// to get a token with
const authClient = axios.create();
const strategy = new ClientCredentialsStrategy({
axios: authClient,
url: '',
clientId: 'myClientId',
clientSecret: 'myClientSecret',
audience: 'myaudience'
// Define your cache, can be any object which implements the node-cache-manager API
const cache = caching({ store: 'memory', max: 100, ttl: 1 });
// Build your authorizer
const authorizer = new Authorizer({
ttlBuffer: 10,
const mainClient = axios.create();
// Register your authorizer with your main client
// Call the server which requires authorization
const response = await mainClient.get("");
- 401 challenge response
- Something to test that cache-manager restricts parellel auth calls (this issue suggests it is a feature)
- More thought into the cache keys