axios plugin
- 错误处理
- 统一错误处理, 统一UI提示
- 超时处理
- 后端正常返回的不同接口status统一的处理
- 统一token添加, 判断是否登录
- 请求loading动画
- 请求文件流处理, 以及文件名处理
- 后台应在headers中添加filename的属性,值为文件名
- 接口工厂
recommend usage
add api module
- file folders
. ├── App.vue ├── api │ ├── index.js │ └── modules │ ├── org.js │ └── seal.js ├── store │ ├── index.js │ └── modules │ ├── org.js │ └── seal.js ├── main.js
- api code
const org = { gets: { queryOrg: 'api/v1/society/seal/site/query/org' }, posts: {}, puts: {}, dels: {}, patches: {}, heades: {} } export default org
import org from '@/api/modules/org' import user from '@/api/modules/user' // ... // combine可以传一个或多个参数, 会合并每个modules的gets、posts、puts、dels、patches, heades值 const mappers = axiosPro.$combine( org, seal // ... ) const config = {} export default { mappers, config }
- init in vue
import axiosPro from 'axios-pro' import api from '@/api' const { mappers, config } = api Vue.use(axiosPro, { mappers, config })
- use in store
import axiosPro from 'axios-pro' export default { namespaced: true, actions: { async getOrgs({ commit }, payload) { const resp = await axiosPro.api.queryOrg({ jsonConditions: { op: 'or', elements: [ { param: 'name', op: 'contains', values: '北京' } ] } }) commit('SET_ORGS', resp.content) } }, }
- use in vue
init method in vue class
created() { this.init() }, methods: { async init () { // request params/data const params = {} // axios options const axiosOptions = {} // custom options const customOptions = { handlers: { language: null, languageOption: null, timeout: msg => {}, data: data => {}, error: errorInfo => {}, config: config => {}, loading: { open: true, start: () => {}, end: () => {} } } } // if you don't need overwrite this option and there is exist third param, this should set `null`; // eg: this.$api.queryOrg(null, null, 1) // if there is not exist thrid param, you can don't transmit this value // eg: this.$api.queryOrg(null) const usageOptions = { ...axiosOptions, ...customOptions } // when use dynamic url, should transmit this value // eg: `/api/org/detail/:id`, // define url: { gets: { queryOrg: id => `/api/org/detail/${id}` } } // usage: this.$api.queryOrg(null, null, 123) // eg: `/api/org/upload/:book/:name` // define url: { gets: { queryOrg: ({book, name}) => `/api/org/upload/${book}/${name}}} // usage: this.$api.queryOrg(null, null, { book: 'javascript', name: 'JavaScript-The-Definitive-Guide.pdf' }) const dynamicURL = null // queryOrg: is defined in `api/modules/org.js` const resp = await this.$api.queryOrg(params, usageOptions, dynamicURL) } }
init in different environment
in vue environment
import axiosPro from 'axios-pro' Vue.use(axiosPro, { mappers: { gets: { getDetail: '/id/detail', queryOrg: 'api/v1/society/seal/site/query/org' }, posts: { // 函数的名字, 登陆的访问url login: '/login', proxyUrl: '/proxyUrl' }, puts: { getDetail: '/id/detail' }, dels: { getDetail: '/id/detail' }, patches: { getDetail: '/id/detail' } }, config: { handlers: { timeout (msg) { console.log('timeout: ', msg) }, data (data = {}) { const code = data.code console.log('errorInfo: ', code) }, error (errorInfo) { // 此处我使用的是 element UI 的提示组件 // Message.error(`ERROR: ${err}`); console.log('errorInfo: ', errorInfo) }, // this function was callback when the request was send before // if you has your own config, or want to intercept all the request before send config (config) { config.validateStatus = status => { // 成功状态码定义范围 return status >= 200 && status < 300 } // if (!Utils.isNotLogin()) { // config.headers['X-Token'] = Utils.getToken() // 让每个请求携带token--['X-Token']为自定义key 请根据实际情况自行修改 // } else { // // 重定向到登录页面 // window.location.href = 'login' // } }, loading: { // 是否开启动画, 默认关闭, 需要请求中主动开启 open: false, start () { // UI开始loading动画 }, end () { // UI结束loading动画 } } } } })
in node environment
import axiosPro from 'axios-pro' axiosPro.$inject({ mappers: { gets: { getDetail: '/id/detail', } // ... }, config: { // ... } })
use in different environment
in vue environment
async init () { // two params, one was `params`, second was `options` that cound be overwrite axios default options // if necessary, the second param `options` was not need transfer const resp = await this.$api.queryOrg({ jsonConditions: { op: 'or', elements: [ { param: 'name', op: 'contains', values: '北京' } ] } }, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, handlers: { data (data = {}) { const code = data.code // 根据返回的code值来做不同的处理(和后端约定) switch (code) { case '': break default: break } // 若不是正确的返回code,且已经登录,就抛出错误 // const err = new Error(data.description) // = data // err.response = response // throw err }, loading: { // 是否开启动画, 默认关闭, 需要请求中主动开启 open: true } } }) console.log('resp: ', resp) }
in node environment
import axiosPro from 'axios-pro' init() { axiosPro.api.getDetail() .then(data => { // ... }) .catch(e => { // ... }) }
use transformRequest
// handle params when usage const data = await this.$api.login({ username: tel, password }, { // handle params transformRequest: [ function(oldData){ let newStr = '' for (let item in oldData){ newStr += encodeURIComponent(item) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(oldData[item]) + '&' } newStr = newStr.slice(0, -1) return newStr } ], // change to form params headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } })
use qs lib
const qs = require('qs') const data = await this.$api.login(qs.stringify({ username: tel, password }), { // change to form params headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } })
when url is dynamic
- init function, send third params
const user = { gets: { userInfo: userId => `user/info/${userId}`, companyInfo: ({ userId, companyId }) => `user/company/${userId}/${companyId}` }, posts: { }, puts: { }, dels: { }, patches: { } } export default user
const userId = '119' const companyId = '21' this.$api.userInfo(null, null, userId) this.$api.userInfo(null, null, { companyId, userId })