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0.3.31Β β€’Β PublicΒ β€’Β Published

Axios Redux Client

πŸ“œ Client for Axios, with built-in integration for Redux.

npm version

πŸ’‘ This package will reduce your work when configuring Redux's environment. You will be able to make fast requests with very little configuration and it will save it directly to Redux's store. Also, it is fully compatible with hooks!

πŸ›  Installation


npm install axios-redux-client --save


yarn add axios-redux-client

πŸ“ˆ Examples

Quick Start

  • index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import AxiosClient from 'axios-redux-client';

const useConfiguration = () =>
  return {
    queries: {
      getObjects: {
        url: '/object', method: 'GET',
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080',
    auth: 'jwt',

  <AxiosClient useConfiguration={useConfiguration}>
    <MyComponent />
  • MyComponent.js
import React from 'react';
import { useQuery } from 'axios-redux-client';

const MyComponent = () => {
    const [{data}] = useQuery('getObjects');
    return (
    	<div>My objects = {data} </div>

Full Config

  • index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import AxiosClient from 'axios-redux-client';

const useConfiguration = () =>
  return {
    queries: {
      getObjects: {
        url: '/object',
         method: 'GET', 
         idProperty: "id",
         sortComparer: (a, b) =>,
      login: {
        url: '/login',
        method: 'POST',
    cruds: {
       crudBasic: {
        url: "/basic",
        idProperty: '_id',
        sortComparer: (a, b) =>,
       crudComplex: {
           url: "/complex",
           idProperty: '_id',
           sortComparer: (a, b) => a.value - b.value,
           deleteUrl: "/complex/delete/&{id}",
  responseHandler = ({ response, queryName }) => response.status === 200 ? console.log(queryName + " worked!") : console.log(response)
  baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080',
  auth: 'jwt',

  <AxiosClient useConfiguration={useConfiguration}>
    <MyComponent />
  • MyComponent.js
import React from 'react';
import { useQuery, useList, usePost } from 'axios-redux-client';

const MyComponent = () => {
    const [{data, loading, error}] = useQuery('getObjects');
    const [{data, error}] = useList('crudComplex');
    const [{data, loading}, post] = usePost('crudBasic');
    return (
    	<div>My objects = {data} </div>

πŸ’» API

This package have the following exports:

import AxiosClient, { useQuery,  useEdit, useGet, useList, 
                     usePost, useQuery, useReadCache, useWriteCache } from 'axios-redux-client';
  • Axios Client

    Provides Axios Client Context.

    • useConfiguration - A Hook that return a Config Object.
    • children - React Node.
  • useQuery

    Hook used for base queries.

    • queryName - Query's name which was declared in the Config Object.
    • props - Props passed to the query. Available props are: manual(false if the query is executed automatically. Default: false), params (Parameters passed to query string) and options (Same as Axios options).
    Returns [{data, loading, error, response}, refetch]:
    • data - Data from response.
    • loading - True if is fetching.
    • error - Response Error.
    • response - Whole response.
  • useEdit, useGet, useList, usePost

    This hooks are used for crud queries.

    • queryName - Query's name which was declared in the Config Object.
    • props - Props passed to the query. Available props are: manual(false if the query is executed automatically. Default: false), params (Parameters passed to query string) and options (Same as Axios options).
    Returns [{data, loading, error, response}, refetch]:
    • data - Data from response.
    • loading - True if is fetching.
    • error - Response Error.
    • response - Whole response.
  • useReadCache

    Hook used for retrive data from store.

    • queryName - Query's name which was declared in the Config Object.
    • id - Entity's id, if any.
    Returns { selectedAll, selectedById }:
    • selectedAll - All data related to the query passed on parameters.
    • selectedById - If id was passed on params, it will return the data where idProperty === id.
  • useWriteCache

    Hook used for retrive data from store.

    • queryName - Query's name which was declared in the Config Object.
    Returns { selectedAll, selectedById }:
    • addOne(data) - Add entity related to queryName.
    • addMany(array) - Add an array of entities to queryName.
    • setAll(array) - Replace current entities with array passed.
    • upsertOne(data) - If entity with that id exists it will updated it, else, it will be added.
    • upsertMany(data) - Upsert an array of entities to queryName.
    • removeOne(id) - Remove from queryName by ID.
    • removeAll() - Remove all from queryName.

πŸ›  useConfiguration

The useConfiguration hook must return five objects.

  • queries - An object like:

     [queryName]: {
           url: string, \\ query's endpoint
           method: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE', \\ query's method
           idProperty: string, \\ entity's identificator - not required, however if not passed it won't save to store!
           sortComparer: (a, b) => number, \\ Function to compare and sort entities - not required
  • cruds - An object like:

     [queryName]: {
           url: string, \\ query's endpoint
           idProperty: string, \\ entity's identificator - not required, however if not passed it won't save to store!
           sortComparer: (a, b) => number, \\ Function to compare and sort entities - not required
           getUrl: string, \\ get endpoint - not required; default = "/url/&{id}"
           listUrl: string, \\ list endpoint - not required; default = "/url"
           postUrl: string, \\ post endpoint - not required; default = "/url/&{id}"
           deleteUrl: string, \\ delete endpoint - not required; default = "/url/&{id}"
           putUrl: string, \\ put endpoint - not required; default = "/url/&{id}"
  • baseUrl - The host url.

  • responseHandler - A function which passes { response, queryName: string, jwtAuth } for handling the responses.

  • getRequestConfig - A function which passes config: AxiosRequestConfig for handling the default request configurations. Must return an AxiosRequestConfig.

πŸ—ƒ Changelog

  • 0.2.0
    • Removed Config
    • Added useConfiguration for use hooks in responseHandler and getRequestConfig
  • 0.1.2
    • Request and Response Logging
    • Removed JWT Auth and implemented getRequestConfig
    • Bug Fixes
  • 0.1.1
    • Bug Fixes
  • 0.1.0
    • First release!
  • 0.0.1
    • WIP

πŸ“‹ About

Gabriel Vinhaes de Lima – @kvlao –

License: MIT

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