This Github Action will automatically create backport pull request when a pull request is merged, based on the labels it contains.
By merging a pull request with the labels backport-to-staging
and backport-to-production
Backport Github Action (BGA) will automatically create backport pull requests to the branches "staging" and "production".
How to use
Add the backport workflow to .github/workflows/backport.yml
name: Backporton: pull_request_target: types: - closed - labeled jobs: backport: name: Backport Action runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Backport uses: sqren/backport-github-action@v1 with: # Required # Token to authenticate requests access_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # Required # Backport PR by adding a label # Example: PRs labeled with "backport-to-staging" will be backported to "staging" backport_by_label: '^backport-to-(.*)$' # Optional # Title for the backport PR # Example: [branch-a] My commit msg # pr_title: '[{targetBranch}] {commitMessages}' # Optional # Comma separated list of labels that will be added to the backport PR. # target_pr_labels: 'backport'
Backport CLI (optional)
Backport CLI is a tool that makes it much easier to create ad-hoc backport pull requests. This integrates seemlessly with the Backport Github Action. All you need to do is to add a backport configuration file to the repository root:
// .backportrc.json{ "upstream": "<repo name>/<repo owner>", "targetBranchChoices": ["master", "staging", "production", "<any other branch>"] }