
1.0.1 • Public • Published

VisionBox bare-box

This is a bare-minimum VisionBox ( project (visionbox init)

How to init a minimalistic VisionBox project

Install VisionBox

If you don't have Node.js on your Mac/Linux computer, install it using preferably NVM. On Linux/Mac you can run:

curl -o- | bash

after open a new terminal and install the version of Node you prefer, for example the stable v10:

nvm install lts/dubnium

On Windows, you can install Nvm following the instructions at

Once the npm is ready, install VisionBox globally

npm i -g visionbox

Then, create a directory and initialize bare-box project there

mkdir visionbox-example
cd visionbox-example
visionbox init

Configure Network Information for VisionBox

To use VisionBox, your dApp has to have a network configuration file visionbox.js in the source root. This special file tells VisionBox how to connect to nodes, event server, and passes some special parameters, like the default private key.

If you are connecting to different hosts for fullnode, solidity node, and event server, you may set fullNode, solidityNode and eventServer respectively:

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    development: {
      fullNode: "",
      solidityNode: "",
      eventServer: "",
      network_id: "*"
    mainnet: {
      fullNode: "",
      solidityNode: "",
      eventServer: "",
      network_id: "*"

If you are connecting to the same host for fullnode, solidity node, and event server, you can just set fullHost:

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    development: {
      fullHost: "",
      network_id: "*"
    mainnet: {
      fullHost: "",
      network_id: "*"

Run the example dApp on local private network

visionbox migrate by default will use the development network. In order to test the smart contracts and deploy them locally, you must deploy a local fullnode with vision-core.

vision-core (

Having the local fullnode ready, you may:

  1. Setup the dApp.
visionbox migrate --reset

This command will invoke all migration scripts within the migrations directory.

  1. Run the dApp:
npm run dev

It will automatically open the dApp in the default browser.

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npm i bare-visionbox

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