This webpack plugin will do a POST call to any given URL every time webpack find an error.
This plugin is fully compatible with:
- Babel.
- esLint.
$ npm install bc-webpack-error-reporting-plugin --save-dev
Add the following configuration into your webpack plugins
//at the top of your webpack.condig.js
const WebpackErrorReporting = require("@breathecode/webpack-error-reporting-plugin");
//inside your webpack plugin configuration
plugins: [
new WebpackErrorReporting({
hookURL: 'https://path/to/url/hook', //(mandatory) the plugin will POST the array of errors to this url
username: 'alesanchezr', //(mandatory) any username to identify the developer (it will be passed on each error)
token: 'Bearer sdSSDFwefEWFewrfewr43234FSD34r', //(optional) this will be the authorization header
silent: true //(optional) log plugin activity on the console
This is an example of the request body that can be sent to your HOOK backend API.
"message":"Module not found ./component/homee.js",
"username": "bobdylan",
"origin":"\n @ ./src/js/index.js 9:0-44 11:36-40\n @ multi ./src/js/index.js",
"name":"Module not found",
"details":"ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './component/homee.js' in '/workspace/webpack-reporting-plugin/_sandbox/src/js'"