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1.2.2 • Public • Published


Simple components to construct various BCH related applications - wallets, DEXes etc.

bch-wallet-kit is a great JavaScript library for working with Bitcoin Cash. It is using the services, provided by FullStack.cash to communicate with BCH blockchain. The real blockchain interactions are provided by minimal-slp-wallet CLI wallet library.

Some library features:

  • jotai state management for preserving current state
  • minimal-slp-wallet for blockchain operations
  • does not leave footprints in the browser - local storage etc. (as a result, you can have many wallets in the same browser)
  • minimal formating - no external frameworks, just simple CSS, included in the package


Initial file structure can be created in many ways, but vite is pretty good for this.

  • Create new vite project
npm create vite@latest vite-wallet -- --template react
cd vite-wallet/
  • Install required libraries:
npm install minimal-slp-wallet bch-wallet-kit --save
  • Copy minimal-slp-library to public/ folder (TODO: simplify this step)
cp node_modules/minimal-slp-wallet/dist/minimal-slp-wallet.min.js public/

Inside examples/ directory you can just run npm run script for this task.

  • Replace src/App.jsx with the following code:
import { useAtom } from 'jotai';
import { walletConnectedAtom } from 'bch-wallet-kit';
import { Notify, LoadScript, Mnemonic, Options, Wallet } from 'bch-wallet-kit';
import 'bch-wallet-kit/dist/BchWalletKit.css';
import './App.css';

const App = () => {
  const [walletConnected] = useAtom(walletConnectedAtom);

  return (
    <div className="app-container">
      <LoadScript scriptSrc="/minimal-slp-wallet.min.js" />
      <Notify />
      <div className="app-title">BCH Wallet</div>
      {!walletConnected && (
        <Mnemonic />
        <Options />
      <Wallet />

export default App;
  • Start the application (by default running as http://localhost:5173/)
npm run dev

See GH example directory for more examples.

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npm i bch-wallet-kit

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  • zh