
1.1.1 • Public • Published

Name Masker Project Description The Name Masker is a simple JavaScript-based utility designed to "mask" or transform user-inputted names into predefined aliases. This project is particularly useful for scenarios where the original names of items, such as project titles or document names, need to be disguised for privacy or security reasons. The utility provides a straightforward web interface for users to input names and receive their masked versions instantly.

Getting Started Prerequisites A modern web browser that supports JavaScript (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge). Basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript if customization is required. Installation No installation is necessary for the basic usage of Name Masker as it can be run directly in a web browser. To host or integrate the utility into a web project:

Download the project files to your local machine. Open the index.html file in a web browser to run the utility locally. Optionally, integrate the maskName.js script into your existing web project. Usage Open the index.html file in your web browser. Enter the name you wish to mask in the input field provided. Click on the "Mask Name" button to view the masked version of the name. The masked name will be displayed on the screen. If the name isn't recognized, a default "Unknown Mask" message will appear. Customization To customize the list of names and their masked counterparts:

Open the maskName.js file in a text editor. Modify the maskedNames object within the maskName() function to include your original names as keys and their masked versions as values. Save the changes and reload the index.html in your web browser to apply the modifications. License This project is open-source and available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.




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