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BeeSoft Components

A library of components for the React framework. This library is currently a beta so please report any issues found or make suggestions.


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Date/Time Component

Upgrade Warning
Starting with version 0.2.0 there are breaking changes with the current template options being removed and only calendar and scroller templates available.

This is the main component in the library currently; it has the ability to select not only a date but also time. Below are the current component properties (currently all of them are optional).

Name Type Description
value string, Date or Date[] Sets the value of the component can either be a date object or a string in a local or ISO format.
readOnly boolean Allows the component to have a value set but not allow it to be modified.
label string Sets the label for the component.
useDefaultDateValue boolean If set to true then the current date will be populated in the selection box.
useFormattedInput boolean If set to true the formatted input will be used for typing the date.
locale string Allows the locale settings to be overridden, if this is not set then the users locale settings will be used.
className string Allows css modifications to be made to the default input box of the component.
dateSelection DateSelectionType Allows the component to be set in 4 modes DateTime, Date Only, Time Only and Date Range (default Date/Time).
dateFormat DateFormatType Allows for the date to be formatted in short, medium or long formats.
timeConstraints TimeConstraints Allows the time selection component to determine how the increment/decrement the values (currently only minute works).
icon JSX.Element This can be used to change the calendar icon.
iconPosition CalendarIconPosition Determines if the calendar icon appears on the right or the left.
inputElement HTMLElement When a custom input template is used this gives the component the HTMLElement to use for calendar positioning.
colors DateTimeColors A group of settings that can be used to change particular color settings.
selectableDate (currentDate: Date) => boolean Determines if a date is allowed to be selected...if false is returned then the date will be disabled.
isValidDate (selectedDate: Date) => boolean Determines if the passed date is a valid selectable date...if false is returned then the selection isn't made. This also works for dates typed into the formatted input.
onChange (value: Date) => void Returns the value selected by the user (even though this optional it is recommended to be set).
calendarTemplate DateTimeCalendarTemplate Allows the calendar UI to be overridden or added to.
dateScrollerTemplate DateTimeScrollerTemplate Allows the scroller UI to be overridden or added to.
inputTemplate DateTimeInputTemplate Allows for a different input and label to be used for the component.


Templating allows for certain pieces of the component to be replaced with your own markup; currently the calendar, the scroller and the input/label can be replaced with your own markup. Below is an example of how to create a template function that can be passed into one of the template properties.

const inputTemplate = (props: DateTimeInputTemplateProps, children: React.ReactNode | React.ReactNodeArray) => (
    <div className="custom-css-classes">{children}</div>

The children parameter is passed in the case where you want to wrap the current markup with your own additions. If not you can just provide your own custom markup using the properties from the props parameter. If you provide your own markup you will need to pass in the html element you are using to the inputElement property, so the calendar will know where to show and when to hide itself.

Calendar Template Properties

These are the properties passed to the calendar template.

Name Required Type Description
viewDate true Date The current date being viewed in the calendar; this is not the selected date it is the date that is being used to render the current calendar month(s).
selectedDate false Date The current date selected by the user or the initial value passed to the component.
selectedStartDate false Date The current start date of a date range selection this is only set when the component is in date range mode.
selectedEndDate false Date The current end date of a date range selection this is only set when the component is in date range mode.
selectionMode false CalendarSelectionMode Contains the values Normal and Range; selected range puts the calendar into range selection mode.
locale false Locale The Locale object comes from the date-fns library and contains information about the users locale date settings.
onDateSelected false (date: Date, options?: Record<string, any>) => void Used to tell the component when a date has been selected.
selectableDate false (currentDate: Date) => boolean Determines if a date is allowed to be selected...if false is returned then the date will be disabled.
isValidDate false (selectedDate: Date) => boolean Determines if the passed date is a valid selectable date...if false is returned then the selection isn't made.
dispatcher false React.Dispatch<DateTimeReducerAction> Used to set values within the component like the selected and current view date.

Input Template Properties

These are the properties passed to the input template.

Name Required Type Description
label false string The label to display for the input; if undefined then no label is set.
readOnly true boolean Determines if the input should be read only or not.
getValue true () => string Returns the currently selected value(s) as a string to be displayed.
onFocus true (event: FocusEvent) => void Should be assigned to the input component so it will be called when it's focused.
onInput true (event: FormEvent) => void Should be assigned to the input component so it will be called when the user types into the input.
iconPosition true CalendarIconPosition Determines if the icon is supposed to be on the right or left.
iconElement false JSX.Element The icon that is supposed to be clicked to show the calendar.
iconElementClassName false string The classes to use for the icon element wrapper.
onElementClick false (event: MouseEvent) => void The function to call when the icon element is clicked.

Dark Mode

Dark mode is a common feature for many web applications. Beehive components support dark mode, to turn it on add a dark class to the body tag. In React you can use to following line:

document.body.className = 'bsc-dark';

Date Range

The component now has a date range mode; this can be used by setting the dateSelection property to DateRange. To select a range start by making an initial selection then hold shift and click the next date to select the whole range. Once a selection is made clicking shift and selecting another date will change the range selection.

Styling Options

To allow for more customizing CSS placeholder classes have been added to the component; below is an example of the available classes using scss.

.bc-date-time {
  .bc-dt-label {
    // the styles for the component label
  .bc-dt-input {
    // the styles for the inputs containing the date string
  .bc-dt-day-selector {
    .bc-dt-scroller {
      .bc-dt-scroller-left {
        // the styles for the left arrow section of the scroller
      .bc-dt-scroller-title {
        // the styles for the scroller title
      .bc-dt-scroller-right {
        // the styles for the right arrow section of the scroller
    .bc-dt-calendar {
      .bc-dt-day-row {
        .bc-dt-day-cell {
          // these are the cells for the days like (e.g. Mon, Tue)
        .bc-dt-date-cell {
          // these are the cells for the actual date values (e.g. 1, 2, 3)
    .bc-dt-time-value-wrapper {
      .bc-dt-time-value {
        // the styles for the actual time text value
  .bc-dt-month-selector {
    .bc-dt-scroller {
      .bc-dt-scroller-left {
        // the styles for the left arrow section of the scroller
      .bc-dt-scroller-title {
        // the styles for the scroller title
      .bc-dt-scroller-right {
        // the styles for the right arrow section of the scroller
    .bc-dt-month-grid {
      .bc-dt-month-cell {
        // the styles for the month values
  .bc-dt-year-selector {
    .bc-dt-scroller {
      .bc-dt-scroller-left {
        // the styles for the left arrow section of the scroller
      .bc-dt-scroller-title {
        // the styles for the scroller title
      .bc-dt-scroller-right {
        // the styles for the right arrow section of the scroller
    .bc-dt-year-wrapper {
      .bc-dt-year-grid {
        .bc-dt-year-cell {
          // the styles for the year values
  .bc-dt-time-selector {
    .bc-dt-time-grid {
      .bc-dt-time-date-value {
        // the styles for the day value in the time selector
      .bc-dt-time-hour-increase {
        // the styles for the hour increase button
      .bc-dt-time-minute-increase {
        // the styles for the minute increase button
      .bc-dt-time-meridian-increase {
        // the styles for the meridian increase button
      .bc-dt-time-hour-value {
        // the styles for the hour value
      .bc-dt-time-separator {
        // the styles for the time separator
      .bc-dt-time-minute-value {
        // the styles for the minute value
      .bc-dt-time-meridian-value {
        // the styles for the meridian values
      .bc-dt-time-hour-decrease {
        // the styles for the hour decrease button
      .bc-dt-time-minute-decrease {
        // the styles for the minute decrease button
      .bc-dt-time-meridian-decrease {
        // the styles for the meridian decrease button
  .bc-dt-range-selector {
    .bc-dt-range-scroller-wrapper {
      .bc-dt-scroller {
        .bc-dt-scroller-left {
          // the styles for the left arrow section of the scroller
        .bc-dt-scroller-title {
          // the styles for the scroller title
        .bc-dt-scroller-right {
          // the styles for the right arrow section of the scroller
    .bc-dt-range-wrapper {
      .bc-dt-range-calendar-1 {
        .bc-dt-calendar {
          .bc-dt-day-row {
            .bc-dt-day-cell {
              // these are the cells for the days like (e.g. Mon, Tue)
            .bc-dt-date-cell {
              // these are the cells for the actual date values (e.g. 1, 2, 3)
      .bc-dt-range-calendar-2 {
        .bc-dt-calendar {
          .bc-dt-day-row {
            .bc-dt-day-cell {
              // these are the cells for the days like (e.g. Mon, Tue)
            .bc-dt-date-cell {
              // these are the cells for the actual date values (e.g. 1, 2, 3)

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