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3.0.1 • Public • Published


A library for arbitrary precision decimal floating point arithmetic that can exactly represent all decimal fractions, unlike JavaScript's number data type which is 64-bit binary floating point.

Based on the original work by Douglas Crockford. This implementation is built upon the Google Chrome Labs' implementation of ECMAScript big integers: JSBI.

This library provides three ways to make bigfloat operations:

  • A set of functions for a functional style approach
  • A BigFloat class with an API similar to that of Decimal.js
  • An evaluate() function that parses and resolves an expression

NOTE: This is a compatibility package intended for cross-browser support. If you are targetting Node.js, Electron or any engine that supports native bigints and the exponentiation operator(**), then you don't need JSBI and you should be using bigfloat-esnext.

Basic usage

Functional style

import { make, string, sqrt } from "bigfloat.js";
string(sqrt(make("2")));               // 1.4142

Class based

import { BigFloat } from "bigfloat.js";
new BigFloat("2").sqrt().toString();   // 1.4142

The evaluate() function

evaluate(expressionstring, precision?: number)string | boolean

The first argument can be any valid arithmetic or relational expression, including scientific e-notation. (Optional) Precision should be a negative integer. Default is -4.

import { evaluate } from "bigfloat.js";
0.1 + 0.2 === 0.3;                     // false
evaluate("0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3");          // true
0.1 + 0.2;                             // 0.30000000000000004
evaluate("0.1 + 0.2");                 // "0.3"
1 + Number.EPSILON / 2;                // 1
evaluate(`1 + ${Number.EPSILON / 2}`); // "1.00000000000000011102230246251565"
evaluate("1 + 2.220446049250313e-16"); // "1.0000000000000002220446049250313"
evaluate(`4 >= ${Math.PI}`);           // true

Valid tokens:

  • Parenthesis: (,)
  • Number: Decimal, integer or scientific e-notation
  • Operator: Arithmetic +,-,/,*,** Relational ===,==,!==,!=,<,>,<=,>=

Change precision

import { BigFloat, set_precision } from "bigfloat.js";
new BigFloat(2).sqrt().toString();     // 1.4142
new BigFloat(2).sqrt().toString();     // 1.4142135623

The bigfloat object

interface IBigFloat {
  coefficient: JSBI;
  exponent: number;

Valid bigfloat made from primitives:

const bigfloat: IBigFloat {

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  • david.martinez