About BioSafe Our system aims at providing a Blockchain As A Service for Biometric Authentication (BAAS). The issue with current systems is that they are too complex for certain entities to take advantage of, or they ensure the verification part is secure and smooth, but falters when it comes to secure storage of the biometric data in the system. By utilizing blockchain technologies, we ensure that the biometric data does not get stored with a central entity. It enables web developers to integrate biometric authentication since the decentralisation is applied on the biometrics. It empowers the end users to store the biometric in one entity and use it for authentication anywhere. The block chain provides decentralisation and security for data. Thus the biometric data uploaded by the user remains untampered and unmodified
Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run:
npm install
Run your react app in the development mode. Add our React Component in your Project Login Code.
Note: this Biosafe Auth works only after the registration of your BIOMETRIC
You can learn more in the Blockchain as a Service for Biometric Authentication.