Verifying native bit message signature in evm.
Both the ethereum and the bitcoin are base the spec256k1 curve, that means the signature signed by bitcoin wallet can be verified in smart contracts. The format of address and signature are different in bitcoin and ethereum, but they have same private key and publick key. You can convert them by this peoject.
yarn hardhat test
yarn add --dev bit-sig-verifier-in-eth
import { convertToEthSignature, compressedPublicKeyToAddress, verifyBitSignatureWithEthAddress } from 'bit-sig-verifier-in-eth'
async function () {
//generate random signer
const ethwallet = ethers.Wallet.createRandom()
const bitkey = new PrivateKey(ethwallet.privateKey.substring(2))
const address = compressedPublicKeyToAddress(bitkey.toPublicKey().toBuffer().toString('hex'))
expect(address).to.equal(await ethwallet.getAddress())