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BlocklyPy Library and Tool

npm version

LEGO SPIKE and EV3 Mindstorms Code to Pybricks - block-code analyzer and converter to Pybricks python code

This tool and library will read, analyze and convert the LEGO standard graphical blockly files to Pybricks python files.

SPIKE Prime (45678) and SPIKE Essentials (45345) kit and Robot Inventor (51515) kit for word-blocks and icon-blocks transformation and LEGO python for analysis only.

  • SPIKE v2 (.llsp) and SPIKE v3 (.llsp3) files.
  • Robot Inventor files (.lms).

EV3 Mindstorms kit (31313) LabView EV3-G code transformation:

  • EV3Classroom files (.lmsp).
  • EV3 Lab (.ev3) files EV3 iPad (.ev3m) files.
  • EV3 Lab Compiled Binary (.rbf) files.

Analysis only:

  • Pybricks python (.py) file, multiple files or zipped (.zip) multiple files.

Quick intro: Command Line Interface tool

Blocklypy CLI tool is a standalone tool that one can install and run on a node environment locally.

Generate and print python converted code of a SPIKE blockly source code file.

blocklypy python testfile.llsp3

Detailed documentation of the command line interface tool.

Quick intro: Library for TypeScript

Blocklypy library is a TypeScript library packaged for both browser and node.js environment usage.

const { convertProjectToPython } = require('blocklypy');
const fname = 'testfile.llsp';
const file = fs.readFileSync(fname);
const options = {};
const inputfiles = [{ name: fname, buffer: file }];
const result = convertProjectToPython(inputfiles, options).then((retval) => {

Detailed documentation of the blocklypy library.


Attila Farago (@afarago)

Command Line Interface tool

Blocklypy CLI tool is a standalone tool that one can install and run on a node environment locally.


Usage: blocklypy [options] [command]

Command line interface for blocklypy to analyze and convert LEGO robotics code to Python.
Blocklypy converts LEGO robotics code to Pybricks python, converting and analyzing word-block, icon-block, ev3g and ev3 compiled code.

  -V, --version                              output the version number
  -o, --open                                 Open the output file in the default viewer
  -h, --help                                 display help for command

  graph|g [options] <input>                  Generate dependency callgraph content
  preview [options] <input>                  Save preview content
  python|py [options] <input> [stackfilter]  Convert and save python content, with optional stack filtering
  plain [options] <input>                    Convert and save plain pseudocode content
  help [command]                             display help for command


  1. Install node environment.
  2. Install blocklypy globally.
    npm install -g blocklypy
  3. Run blocklypy locally.
    blocklypy -h


Convert and print a SPIKE blockly source code file to python.

blocklypy python testfile.llsp3

Convert and save an EV3Classroom source code file to python.

blocklypy python --python testfile.lmsp

Generate and save svg dependency call graph of a EV3-G source code file.

blocklypy graph --svg --open testfile.ev3

Generate and save png dependency call graph of a pybricks code module zip and open it locally.

blocklypy graph --png

Decompile an EV3-G compiled RBF source code file and save the pseudocode as a text file.

blocklypy plain --txt testfile.rbf

Extract and save blockly diagram code of an Robot Inventor source code file.

blocklypy preview --svg testfile.lms

Blocklypy Library

Blocklypy library is a TypeScript library packaged for both browser and node.js environment usage.


const { convertProjectToPython } = require('blocklypy');

const file = fs.readFileSync(__FILE__);

const options = {};
const inputfiles = [{ name: __FILE__, buffer: file }];
convertProjectToPython(inputfiles, options).then((retval) => {


Type: IPyProjectResult


Type: string | string[]

Python representation of the blockly code in Pybricks flavour.

Project:    test1
Slot:       0
Created:    2024-09-02T09:08:14.079Z
Last saved: 2024-09-03T16:57:06.369Z

#region ========================== SECTION: IMPORTS ========================== #
from pybricks.hubs import PrimeHub
from import wait
#region ======================= SECTION: PROGRAM CODE ======================== #
# ------------------------------- GROUP: START ------------------------------- #
# STACK #1: flipperevents_whenProgramStarts()
def stack1_whenprogramstarts_fn():
    hub.display.pixel(0, 0, 100)
    hub.display.icon(convert_icon_matrix("9909999099000009000909990", g_pixel_brightness))


#region ====================== SECTION: MAIN CODE ============================ #


Type: string

Pseudo code of the blockly code.

    flipperlight_lightDisplaySetPixel(x: "1", y: "1", brightness: 100)
    flipperlight_lightDisplayImageOnForTime(matrix: "9909999099000009000909990", value: g_aa)

flippermove_movementSpeed(speed: 50)
    flippermove_startMove(direction: "back")

data_setvariableto(value: "0", variable: "aa")

data_changevariableby(value: 13, variable: "aa")

flipperlight_lightDisplayImageOn(matrix: "9909999099000009000909990")


Type: object

Contains input format dependent extra information such as blockly slot and svg preview or rbf disassembly.

    "blockly.slot": 0,
    "blockly.svg": "<svg xmlns='…fa6d44c8e6aa1eaca43d65'/><defs></g></svg>"


Type: string

Graphviz dot format representation of the python code call structure.

digraph ev3graph {
	rankdir = LR

    "demo_ev3treevis" -> "TestProgram1"
	"demo_ev3treevis" -> "UsingMyBlocks"
	"TestProgram1" -> "Limit"
	"UsingMyBlocks" -> "DriveCmDetectColor"

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  • afarago