CLI and text-adventure interface for Blueriq.
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Future versions will be installable through NPM, but will always require a configured and licensed Blueriq server.
- Node/NPM
- A configured and licensed Blueriq server (tested with Blueriq 9.4.1 Java)
- A game export in /aquima.home/exports/
- Run
npm install bluevermin
- Put UI/mvc/cli.stg in /aquima.home/UI/mvc
- Configure to have a theme cli that points to cli.stg
- Go to node_modules\bluevermin and run
npm start
- start Blueriq server
- run:
node index.js
- type
- show error if an unknown command is entered
- clean up State/Bsession/commands
- improve debugz or find out-of-the box tool for debug instrumentation (toggle debugging with a param, like this: node index.js --debug)
- add code analysis
- views for different types of questions: domains, booleans etc.
- parametrize etc.
- refactor to be MVC? what is a backend MVC framework? Express? Sailsjs, KoaJs, HapiJs. Flatiron JS actually has a generator for CLI. Example app: But flatiron assumes you will run from the OS CLI and call it like: todo add bla, so no interactive console.
- serverside typescript? (problems: how to use test framework; maybe Node supports ES6 features natively, with harmony flag)
- add screenshots to the readme
- release NPM package
- handle refresh/page submits (handle event is called with ajax POSTs: e.g.: http://localhost:8080/war/server/session/sessionId/api/subscription/subscriptionId/handleEvent ). For more info see REST API documentation at > SessionService
- added logo (the origin of the logo is:
- add grunt/jshint/lintspaces
- Removed model stub: load model from Blueriq Server (maintain the session)
- Display error when the server hasn't started yet
- Run start when the application starts
- 2015-05-20 v0.1.1 first alpha release