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1.6.3 • Public • Published


An Angular 6/7/8+ TREE COMPONENT with checkbox and search. Just send a nested JSON as input, bn-ng-tree component will render the nested JSON as a tree view in your Angular app.

BN NG Tree Preview

Live Demo

Note: Install font-awesome 4.7 to display icons in tree.


npm install bn-ng-tree-lib


  1. Search.
  2. Themes.
  3. Custom CSS.
  4. Checkbox


Import the bn-ng-tree in the module

import { BnNgTreeModule } from 'bn-ng-tree-lib';
imports: [

Add the bn-ng-tree selector in the component html

<bn-ng-tree [items]="items" (onChange)="selectedItem($event)"></bn-ng-tree>

It accepts [items] as input which should be a nested array of objects for the tree. Every object in the items array must have name and children property.

Get the Selected Node in the Tree Component

bn-ng-tree component outputs the onChange event whenever the user clicks the select arrow button of the node. In the $event you will get the selected Object of the node in the tree.

Show Select Button

You can show / hide the select arrow button using show-select-btn input property. By default, It's false.


Search Tree Component

The tree component search will be triggered onChange and keypress.enter events.

You can enable / disable search option by using show-search input in bn-ng-tree. It accepts boolean. By default search option is enabled.

Enable Search


Disable Search


Show Child Nodes Count

You can show the number of child nodes beside the node using show-counts input property. By default it's false.


Change Tree Theme

Bn Ng Tree has built in themes.

  1. primary
  2. secondary
  3. tertiary

Custom CSS

You can add your css class to the bn-ng-tree using style-class input property. It accepts the class name as string.


Show Checkbox

To show checkbox, add the [show-checkbox] to true in the bn-ng-tree


Enable auto checkbox selection in child nodes

On parent node check, all the child nodes will gets checked if you use [auto-check-child] property binding.


Disable Checkbox

You can disable all checkbox in the tree using [disable-checkbox]='true' property. By default it's false


Get Checked/Unchecked nodes from Tree

To get the checked and unchecked items from the bn-ng-tree, Use onChecked output event which emits an event everytime a user checks/unchecks a node in the bn-ng-tree. It returns an object with checked and unchecked properties which are array of checked/unchecked items.

checkedItems(checkedItems) {
// console output sample
            "name":"Area one",
            "name":"Area Two",
      "name":"Area one",
      "name":"Area Two",
      "name":"South Africa",
            "name":"Area three",
      "name":"Area three",

Sample Code


import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";
import { BnNgTreeModule } from "bn-ng-tree-lib";
  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [BrowserModule, BnNgTreeModule],
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}


<section class="tree-container">
  <h2>Angular 6 Tree Component</h2>
  <div class="tree-box">
  <div *ngIf="currentItem" class="selected-item">
    <h2>Selected Item</h2>
    <div class="selected-box">
      {{ }}


import { Component } from "@angular/core";
  selector: "bn-root",
  templateUrl: "./app.component.html",
  styleUrls: ["./app.component.css"]
export class AppComponent {
  title = "bn";
  items = [
      name: "India",
      children: [
          name: "North India",
          children: [
              name: "Delhi",
              children: [
                  name: "Taj Mahal",
                  children: []
              name: "Mumbai",
              children: [
                  name: "North mumbai",
                  children: []
                  name: "South Mumbai",
                  children: []
          name: "America",
          children: [
              name: "New York",
              children: []
              name: "Mexico",
              children: []
      name: "Africa",
      children: [
          name: "Tanzania",
          children: [
              name: "Area one",
              children: []
              name: "Area Two",
              children: []
          name: "South Africa",
          children: [
              name: "Johnesberg",
              children: []
              name: "Area three",
              children: []
      name: "Rwanda",
      children: [
          name: "Area four",
          children: [
              name: "Sub Area",
              children: []
              name: "Sub Area two",
              children: []
          name: "Area five",
          children: [
              name: "Sub Area One",
              children: []
              name: "Sub Area two",
              children: []
  selectedItem(item) {
    this.currentItem = item;
  checkedItems(items) {


1.6.3 - Disable All Checkbox.

1.6.2 - Highlight selected node.

1.6.0 - Show Child Counts. Custom CSS. Theme Designs Changed. Checkbox Selection Bug Fixed.

1.5.0 - Checkbox auto child selection. Search feature is case insensitive now.

1.4.1 - Bug Fixes, Documentation Updated.

1.4.0 - Checkbox option for Angular Tree

1.3.0 - Theme option for tree

1.2.2 - Enable / Disable Search Option

1.1.0 - Search Added for the recursive tree.

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  • bearnithi