Boneless is a community driven front-end framework, written in Sass that takes it's roots from Dave Gamache's Skeleton Framework. In Boneless there is no set direction of what it has to be, or where it has to go. Boneless is whatever the collective community wants it to be.
Potential direction for Boneless
- Improve the current state of Skeleton by addressing it's current issues
- Enhance the current capabilities of Skeleton
- Expand it to a full UI framework
- Make Boneless the fastest front-end framework
- Make Boneless the largest community driven front-end framework.
Installation Instructions
To use Boneless simply download the zip, clone the repo, install through bower by going bower install -D boneless-framework
to save it as a development dependency or install through npm by going npm install boneless
Contribution Guidelines
Any and all contributions are welcome, have a look at the for more info.
Core team
- Seth Coelen - @WhatsNewSaes
- Benjamin Hinchley - @bhinchley
Contributor list
- your name - twitter handle
Use me, fork me, steal me, build me, share me open-source MIT license.
Boneless was inspired by Dave Gamache's Skeleton Framework. Jellyfish logo was created by Seth Coelen. It still needs a name.
Made without love from our basements.