
1.0.3 • Public • Published

Bootstrap Html5 input fallback

A Twitter Bootstrap based Html5 input fallback. It adds Bootstrap widgets to the mvcct-enhancer basic Html5 input fallback module. Thus it depends on both the mvcct.enhancer.js, and mvcct.enhancer.input.basic.js mvcct-enhancer modules. It is enough to load the bootstrap.html5.fallback.js, and the selected bootstrap widgets (listed below) to enrich mvcct-enhancer html5 fallback with botsstrap modules. More specifically, date-picker, date-time-picker, numeric-range, and color-picker widgets are added as needed to the falled back Html5 inputs. Please, don't forget that Html5 inputs fallback is activated bya calling the mvcct.enhancer.addBasicInput method and passing it a Globalize object.

bootstrap-html5-fallback is available both on bower and npm

Widget options are added to the overall mvcct-enhancer options object. Please refer to the mvcct-enhancer for the usage of the mvcct-enhancer module. Below, all selected bootstrap widgets, and the loacation theyr options are placed. All widgets(as well as mvcct-enhancer) are registered as dependencies, so if you use either nmp, or bower you will them have automatically installed when you install bootstrap-html5-fallback:

  1. Date-picker: smalot-bootstrap-datetimepicker. Options placed in options property:
  2. Time-picker: smalot-bootstrap-datetimepicker. Options placed in options property: html5FallbackWidgets.time
  3. Date-time-picker: smalot-bootstrap-datetimepicker. Options placed in options property: html5FallbackWidgets.datetime
  4. Week-picker: smalot-bootstrap-datetimepicker. Options placed in options property: html5FallbackWidgets.week
  5. Month-picker: smalot-bootstrap-datetimepicker. Options placed in options property: html5FallbackWidgets.month
  6. Color-picker: mjolnic-bootstrap-colorpicker.Options placed in options property: html5FallbackWidgets.color. Important, we added a new option to the colorpicker, namely: makeComponent that when true transforms the input fields into a bootstrap component, so that the selected color is shown to the right of it. As a default this option is false;
  7. Numeric-range seiyria-bootstrap-slider.Options placed in options property: html5FallbackWidgets.range

As for version >= 1.0.2 all above options accept also a function that is passed the node to enhance with the widget (as an Html node NOT a jQuery object) as firts argument, and the original Html5 node as second argument. The function must return a valid option object for the widget. This way, the developer may apply different options to each instance of the same widget.

The enhancemet of a falled back Html5 input with one of the above widget may be prevented by setting to null its associated enhance property in the mvcct-enhancer options object:

var options = {};
    options.browserSupport = {
        cookie: "_browser_basic_capabilities",
        forms: null,
        fallbacks: {
            number: {
                force: true
        handlers: {
            enhance: {
                datetime: null


For more information about the mvcct-enhancer options object please refer to mvcct-enhancer documentation.

Important, when using this module please avoid specifying two different formats for dates end datetimes in the mvcc-enhancer .editFormats options property since date/time pickers just support one format, so the usage of the second format might create problems with these widgets.

Some options property, when supported by the widgets are outomatically filled by the fallback module. Namely:

  • date and time formats, are extracted from the options editFormats and from the current locale.
  • initial input value, and min/max/ step property when supported by the widget are automatically filled with the original Html5 input corresponding property values. (converted in the current locale when needed by the widget).
  • the range/slider widget formatter property has been used to localize the numbers shown in labels. However, the developer may override this function.
  • the color-picker format is set to hexadecimal (hex) since this is the format used by native pickers. However, the developer may override this setting.

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