
0.1.1 • Public • Published


Javascript implementation of serial based control of the following devices:

API Documentation is available at http://www.buttshock.com/doc/buttshock-js

Buttshock Project Goals

If you're going to shock yourself in the butt (or other places) for sexual pleasure, don't you want to be able to know exactly what and how you're doing it? Even if you can't understand it, wouldn't it be nice for people that do to have access to the knowledge and data they need to make sure things are safe? Why is the best encryption open source, but electrostim toys are closed?

The Buttshock project exists to reverse engineer and document eletrostim devices so that any developer that wants to control their devices can, via their own code.

Some of the goals of this project include:

  • Documenting the communications protocols (serial or otherwise)
  • Reverse engineering the firmware (where possible)
  • Mapping the circuit boards and creating schematics


    $ npm install -g buttshock

Package is available on npm at http://npmjs.org/package/buttshock

Protocol Implementation Details

Documentation for serial link cable construction and more information about the ET-312B protocol is available at:


This library was developed and tested using a ET-312B running v1.6 firmware. The ET-232 and 2B libraries are untested, but please let us know if you've used them and they do/don't work!


buttshock-js requires the serialport library if you want to actually connect via serial. This dependency should be installed via npm.

However, the library is built to abstract the raw box protocols from the communication medium, so it can pass packets for each box over whatever medium you like. For instance, you could create a network class that talks to a daemon that communicates with a serial port, if needed.


tl;dr: BSD 3-Clause license

Copyright (c) 2016, Buttshock Project

See LICENSE file for full text.

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