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0.1.3 • Public • Published


Wrapper for managing high volume of duplicate idempotent asynchronous requests in JavaScript & TypeScript.

With basic caching

When you have a high volume of duplicate, overlapping, idempotent requests. If your application is making a number of requests with the same inputs, and the requests are idempotent, caching can be helpful to avoid unnecessary computation. If these requests are long-running and many duplicate requests are made before a response is cached for that request, there can be a lot of wasted computation.

Here is an example timeline only using caching. Requests 1, 2, 3, and 4 all have the same input and will receive the same output.

request 1
  -> cache miss
  -> make call to external service
    | request 2
    |   -> cache miss
    |   -> make call to external service
    |     |
    |     | request 2
    |     |   -> cache miss
    |     |   -> make call to external service
    |     |     |
    |     |     |
    |     |     |
     -> request 1 resolved, update cache
          |     |
          |     | request 4
          |     |   -> use cached response from request 1
          |     |
           -> request 2 resolved, update cache
                 -> request 3 resolved, update cache

When requests 2 and 3 are made, request has not finished, so the cache will not be populated. There are two unfortuante outcomes of this approach:

  1. Requests 2 and 3 will waste resources by performing the same expensive and long-running request 1 is triggering.
  2. When request 1 is fulfilled, there is enough information to fulfill requests 2 and 3, but instead requests 2 and 3 will not resolve until they get a response from the external service.

With Cachallel

Cachallel optimizes for overlapping, duplicate requests by letting subsequent requests latch onto an existing Promise from a previous request.

request 1
  -> cache miss
  -> no pending Promise for this input
  -> make call to external service
    | request 2
    |   -> cache miss
    | <--- attach to request 1's Promise
    | request 3
    |   -> cache miss
    | <--- attach to request 1's Promise
     -> request 1 resolved
       -> update cache
       -> request 2 resolved
       -> request 3 resolved

request 4
  -> use cached response from request 1

Example usage

import axios from "axios";
import { RedisClient } from "redis";
import { RequestManager, RedisCacheManager } from "cachallel";

async function getResourceFromSlowApi(
  id: number,
): Promise<{ id: number; name: string }> {
  return await axios.get(`external.service/resource/${id}`);

const redisClient = new RedisClient({ host: "" });

const slowApiManager = new RequestManager(
  new RedisCacheManager(redisClient),

export default async function call(id: number) {
  return await;




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  • dquenne