
0.0.7 • Public • Published


Cache container for nodejs and regular Javascript application.

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CacheJS is a Cache container, it is designed to be a common cache interface, storage independent.

Installation and usage

In node application context:

npm install cachejs
var cachejs = require('cachejs');
var container = cachejs.Container();
var obj = { ... };
container.set('objid', obj, { lifetime: 5000 }); // store in cache for 5 sec.
var cachedObj = container.get('objid'); // retrieve from cache

In regular Javascript application context:

bower install cachejs
<script src="bower_components/cachejs/cache.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/cachejs/storage/memory.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/cachejs/cacheitem.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/cachejs/container.js"></script>
var cache = new cachejs.Container();
// Same example than in NodeJS context.

All cachejs objects are located in CacheJS namespace of window.



Container is a generic cache container model, its default store engine is MemoryCacheContainer. See Store Engine section for more information.


Container constructor accepts options object as unique parameter to configure it. Options may be overriden once created using options instance function.

.options(optKey [, optValue])

Get or set an option for this container.

Container options
Option Default Description
lifetime false The default lifetime for stored objects in ms. Set false evaluated or negative expression for infinite lifetime.
onUpdate - Callback function(objKey, oldVal, newVal) used each time an object is created or updated in container.
onExpiry - Callback function(cacheItem)used each time an object expires in container. May be used to create an auto-refresh process for cacheItem.key value.
storage 'memory' Storage engine {String|Function}. Native engines are 'memory'... (sorry that's all for now)
pruningInterval 60000 Interval (in ms.) container checks for expired cache items

.set(objKey, obj [, options])

Stores obj in cache associated with objKey reference for further retrieving.

options parameter allow to specify some cache feature related to this stored item. This object is the same used to specify container options and overrides already defined container options. See Container options.

Returns the stored cache item.


Property Description
storedAt Storage date (Javascript Date object)
Function Description
isExpired Indicates whether cache value has expired or not
value Get or set cache item value.
Option Description
lifetime Lifetime of this cache item
onExpiry Callback used when cache item lifetime expires. Default value is container's one.
onUpdate Callback used when cache item value is updated. Default value is container's one.


var cacheItem = container.set('basket', { // Object stored
    customerEmail: 'john.doe@domain.ext',
    items: [
      { articleId: 45, quantity: 2 },
      { articleId: 12, quantity: 1 }
  }, {
    lifetime: 24 * 3600 * 1000, // 24h
    onExpiry: function(cacheItem) {
      // cacheItem.lifetime === 24 * 3600 * 1000
      // cacheItem.onExpiry === this
      // mailSender is a fake for this example
      var basket = cacheItem.getValue()
        'Hi, your basket created at ' + cacheItem.storedAt + ' has just expired.');
// Set option
cacheItem.options('lifetime', 5000);
// Get option
var updateCallback = cacheItem.options('onUpdate');

Nota bene: Some readonly fields are added to CacheItem instance once created: storedAt and cannot be overridden.


Retrieves a non-expired value from cache. objKey is the cache key of stored value. To retrieve item independently of its expired state, use getItem instead.

When no value retrieved for given objKey, returns null.


Returns true whether key objKey reference a valid (not expired) value in cache, otherwise false.


Retrieves an object cache item from cache or null.

var item = cache.getItem('basket');
/* item object:
  key: 'basket',
  storedAt: 1419153019947, // Ticks (e.g.: new Date().getTime())
  lifetime: 86400000, // 24h
  onUpdate: undefined,
  onExpiry: function(){ ... },
  isExpired: function() { ... }, // Returns true or false
  value: { ... } // cached object


Remove all expired items from cache container and aises onExpiry of all removed items.




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