A Prisma client abstraction that simplifies caching.
Prisma bundles their caching features into Accelerate which is sold as a subscription.
It's unlikely they'll ever support caching outside of accelerate with services like Memcached
and Redis
. This package adds the caching logic to the prisma client for your choice of cache provider.
| Read x 10000 |
| Cache | time/s |
| LruCache | 0.133111 |
| LfuCache | 0.073968 |
| Memcached | 0.118672 |
| Redis | 0.071997 |
| Hazelcast | 0.075136 |
| Without a cache | 10.554741 |
| Read and overwrite x 1000 |
| Cache | time/s |
| LruCache | 1.980747 |
| LfuCache | 1.736129 |
| Memcached | 1.661834 |
| Redis | 1.650579 |
| Hazelcast | 1.613310 |
| Without a cache | 1.562942 |
npm install cached-prisma
Documentation and more detailed examples are hosted on Github Pages.
import { Prisma } from "cached-prisma";
const { client } = new Prisma();
client.user.create({ data: { name: "Joel" } });
// This populates the cache
client.user.findFirst({ where: { name: "Joel" } });
// This is retrieved from the cache
client.user.findFirst({ where: { name: "Joel" } });
To control the object used for cache storage you can extend the Prisma
import { LruCache } from "cached-prisma";
class LruCachePrisma extends Prisma {
static override cacheFactory = () => new LruCache(1000);
Caches are also provided for Memcached
, Redis
, and Hazelcast
Create a prisma schema:
datasource db {
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
provider = "postgresql"
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
name String
Create a database. In this example we create a postgres container. You can switch the db, user and password for your environment.
docker run --rm -d \
-p 5432:5432 \
Define the DATABASE_URL environment variable mentioned in our prisma schema:
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/db
Generate the types for your client:
npx prisma generate
Migrate the database:
npx prisma migrate dev
Now we can create our client:
import { Prisma } from "cached-prisma";
const { client } = new Prisma();
client.user.create({ data: { name: "Joel" } });
import { LruCache } from "cached-prisma";
class LruCachePrisma extends Prisma {
static override cacheFactory = () => new LruCache(1000);
import { LfuCache } from "cached-prisma";
class LfuCachePrisma extends Prisma {
static override cacheFactory = () => new LfuCache(1000);
import { Memcached } from "cached-prisma";
class MemcachedPrisma extends Prisma {
static override cacheFactory = () => new Memcached("", 11211, 10);
import { Redis } from "cached-prisma";
class RedisPrisma extends Prisma {
static override cacheFactory = () => new Redis("", 6379, 10);
import { Hazelcast } from "cached-prisma";
class HazelcastPrisma extends Prisma {
static override cacheFactory = () => new Hazelcast("", 5701, 10);
To implement the cache we need to divert the prisma client's internals so that we can return cached values without hitting the database. To do this we can use a singleton instance for the client and cache objects.
import { Prisma } from "cached-prisma";
const client1 = new Prisma().client;
const client2 = new Prisma().client;
// These point to the same object
client1 === client2;
import { Prisma } from "cached-prisma";
const cache1 = new Prisma().cache;
const cache2 = new Prisma().cache;
// These point to the same object
cache1 === cache2;
Caches implement safe read and write methods:
export interface Cache {
read: (key: string) => Promise<Maybe<string>>;
write: (key: string, value: string) => Promise<void>;
flush: () => Promise<void>;
We cache the following methods which do not mutate state:
After any of the following state mutating methods we flush the cache:
To install dependencies:
yarn install
To run tests:
Create a test database:
docker run --rm -d \
-p 5432:5432 \
Create test cache providers:
docker run --rm -d -p 11211:11211 memcached
docker run --rm -d -p 6379:6379 redis
docker run --rm -d -p 5701:5701 hazelcast/hazelcast
Apply the database migrations:
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/db
yarn prisma generate --schema ./test/schema.prisma
yarn prisma migrate dev --schema ./test/schema.prisma
yarn test
To generate the documentation locally:
yarn docs
To run linters:
yarn lint
To run formatters:
yarn format
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- Joel Lefkowitz - Initial work
Lots of love to the open source community!