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1.1.1 • Public • Published

Canvas Transform Context

npm version

A canvas context extension based on this example by phrogz.

A class wrapper for a 2D canvas context that keeps track of transform information, allowing for easy coordinate control with scaled/transformed canvases. Perfect for visual web apps that requires extra canvas functionalities without the hassle of custom canvas implementations.


via npm

npm i canvas-transform-context
import { TransformContext } from "canvas-transform-context"

via browser

import { TransformContext } from "";


Basic setup

const canvas = getDocumentById(/* canvas id */)
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')

const transformCtx = new TransformContext(ctx);

transformCtx.onDraw((ctx) => {
  /* Draw on canvas... */

// Mouse dragging
canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => transformCtx.beginMousePan(e));
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => transformCtx.moveMousePan(e));
canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", (e) => transformCtx.endPan(e));

// Wheel zooming
canvas.addEventListener("wheel", (e) => transformCtx.zoomByMouse(e));


Action Methods

Batteries-included methods for commonly use actions, included methods that can directly take mouse events as a parameter.


Begins a pan given the current position from the mouse event. Use on mousedown.

Param Description
e mousedown event


Pans the canvas to the new position from the mouse event. Use on mousemove. Does nothing if beginMousePan wasn't called, or if endPan was just called.

Param Description
e mousemove event


Ends a mouse pan. Use on mouseup.

zoomByMouse(e, zoomScale)

Zooms via the mouse wheel event.

Param Default Description
e mouse wheel event
zoomScale 1.1 The scale percentage to zoom by. Default is 1.1

beginPan(start, transform)

Sets the anchor for a panning action.

Param Default Description
start Starting coordinates for a pan
transform true Whether or not to transform the start coordinates

movePan(current, transform)

Pans the canvas to the new coordinates given the starting point in beginPan. Does nothing if beginPan was not called, or if endPan was just called.

Param Default Description
transform true Whether or not to transform the start coordinates


Stops a pan

zoomBy(amount, zoomScale, center, transform) ⇒

Zoom by a given integer amount.

Returns: Current zoom amount in integers

Param Default Description
amount Amount to zoom by in integers. Positive integer zooms in
zoomScale 1.1 The scale percentage to zoom by. Default is 1.1
center undefined The point to zoom in towards. If undefined, it will zoom towards the latest panned position
transform true Whether or not to transform the center coordinates


Resets all transformations

Action Helpers


Creates a callback to be called after each action method above.

Param Description
callback A callback function with the canvas context as a parameter

Transform Helpers

Helper methods to deal with coordinate transformations

transformPoint(canvasPoint) ⇒

Converts canvas coordinates to transformed coordinates

Returns: Transformed coordinates

Param Description
canvasPoint Canvas coordinates

mouseToTransformed(e) ⇒

Converts a mouse event to the transformed coordinates within the canvas

Returns: Transformed point

Param Description
e mouse event


Clear the canvas given the current transformations

General Helpers

General purpose canvas helpers unrelated to transform

mouseToCanvas(e) ⇒

Converts a mouse event to the correct canvas coordinates

Returns: Canvas coordinates

Param Description
e mouse event


Main implementation based on code by phrogz:

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npm i canvas-transform-context

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