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1.2.1 • Public • Published


Generates carbon-now screen captures for code snippets, ideally after each commit.


npx carbonate-code-snippets <pre-defined theme name> <code snippets src root dir> <carbon pictures root dir> [<additional params>]

You can run it:

  • manually locally: npx -y carbonate-code-snippets@1.1.0 4sh-learning code-snippet generated-code-snippet-pics
  • from a github action: example here
  • automatically, through a git post-commit hook (for instance configured by lefthook): example here

Additional params

You can pass additional params to the CLI in order to override provided theme preset :

  • config:<path to a preset json file>: Allows to provide a manually-defined preset file
    (can be useful for testing purposes, or if embedded themes are not suiting your needs)
    Example: config:./my-custom-theme.json
  • param:<param name>=<param value>: Allows to override specific properties from preset file Example: param:width=680px

How it works

It takes 3 input variables :

  • themeName: Carbon theme which is going to be applied. Look at src/carbon-config.ts file for available themes (ex: 4sh-learning)
  • srcDir: Root directory of (textual) your code snippets. Tree of this file hierarchy will be replicated into targetDir
  • targetDir: Root directory of your carbon pictures, replicating srcDir directory/file tree.


  • Look for additional CLI params and determine how preset config overrides are going to be applied
    Considering cliConfigOverrides as these preset configuration overrides.
  • Look for ${targetDir}/.last-generation-commit.sha1 file :
    • When found, make a git diff between commit in this file and current HEAD, and extract every changes detected in srcDir from this diff.
    • When not found, consider that every files under ${srcDir} are concerned by carbon generation.
  • Let's consider updatedFiles is the variable for the files that have been identified on previous step
  • Iterate over every ${updatedFiles}, as updatedFile, then :
    • Identify carbon language to use based on ${updatedFile} extension (see src/carbon-config.ts's FILE_EXTENSIONS_PER_LANGUAGE) :
      If none is found, consider auto language
      Let's consider lang will capture this language.

    • Create a carbon-config file in a temp directory (consider file path to this file as configFilePath), which will contain :

      • src/carbon-config.ts's CONFIGS[themeName]...
      • .. with overrides coming from cliConfigOverrides
      • .. with updated language field set to ${lang}
    • Call carbon-now CLI (from carbon-now-cli), with config ${configFilePath},
      for ${updatedFile} (from ${srcDir}) and translating path to ${targetDir}

  • Once every file have been generated, update ${targetDir}/.last-generation-commit.sha1 to reflect current HEAD's commit
  • Creating a git commit (from changes in ${targetDir}) then pushing this commit will be left at the discretion of the calling script


  • File deletion into srcDir is not supported yet.
    No workaround for this.
  • Multiple src directory synchronization.
    Workaround: call carbonate-code-snippets multiple times with different (src, target) directory pairs
    Since carbonate-code-snippets will not commit / push anything, you can have every generation included into a single git commit after the generations
  • Carbon picture re-generation (for instance, if we want to update theme, or change used theme)
    Workaround: Delete ${targetDir}/.last-generation-commit.sha1 then run carbonate-code-snippets.




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