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0.0.17 • Public • Published

CircleCI Build Status


Cryptocurrency exchanges client api wrapper.


These features are supported with all major exchanges

  • Public realtime api.
  • Public rest api.
  • Support for both Nodejs and Browser (Webpack, React, Angular...see samples below) environments.
  • Modular structure make sure you include minimum code as you need (especially for client side application).
  • Option to bypass cors request problem in browser with proxy.
  • More to come: Tradingview realtime datafeed, private rest api with api/secret key...


  • Using crypto to sign private request requrie node 10.
  • This library is built on top of Typescript and Rxjs (v6). All async functions will return an observable stream so familiar with Rxjs would be an advantage but basically using stream .subscribe((data) => {/**/}) method should be sufficient. You can also easily turn an one-time-complete observable (rest API request) into promise using .toPromise() to be used with async await.


Supported Exchanges

Binance, Bitbank, Bitfinex, Coinbase

id/docs homepage version origin country
Binance binance Binance * API China
Bitbank bitbank Bitbank * API Japan
Bitfinex bitfinex Bitfinex 2 API British Virgin Islands
Coinbase coinbase Coinbase * API US

Roadmap (TODO)

Task Date Status
Binance Private User Data Stream 2018/09
Binance Private Api 2018/12
Bitbank, Bitifnex, Coinbase private stream 2019/Q1
Huobi, Okex 2019/Q1
More exchanges 2019/Q2
Python and Go version 2019/Q3, Q4


This library is designed to be usable in both nodejs and browser (with frontend framework like Angular, React, Vue..., with bundle tools like Webpack or Rollup having typescript configured, the umd javascript file coming later) environments.

When used in browser environment, the browser must support for native


npm i --save ccex-api

Simple use

import { BinanceApi } from 'ccex-api/exchanges/binance;

const binanceApi = new BinanceApi();

binanceApi.fetchTicker$('btc_usdt').subscribe(ticker => console.log(ticker));
binanceApi.ticker$('btc_usdt').subscribe(ticker => console.log(ticker));
setTimeout(() => { binanceApi.stopTicker('btc_usdt') }, 5000);

Or you can include only the part that you need

import { BitbankCandlestick } from 'ccex-api/exchanges/bitbank/candlestick;

const bitbankCandlestick = new BitbankCandlestick();
bitbankCandlestick.getApproximateHistoryPrice('btc_jpy', 1526917534904, 1).subscribe(price => console.log(price));


Basically all exchanges have these following unified, generalized api implemented.

api params return value desctiption
exchangeInfo ExchangeInfo
markets string[] All supported markets (pair)
representativeMarkets string[] Major supported markets (used for test purpose)
supportFeatures SupportFeatures
fetchTicker$ pair: string Observable<Ticker> api request for ticker
ticker$ pair: string Observable<Ticker> realtime ticker stream
stopTicker pair: string stop realtime ticker stream
fetchTrades$ pair: string Observable<Trade> api request for trade
trade$ pair: string Observable<Trade> realtime trade stream
stopTrade pair: string stop realtime trade stream
fetchOrderbook$ pair: string Observable<Orderbook> api request for orderbook
orderbook$ pair: string Observable<Orderbook> realtime orderbook stream
stopOrderbook pair: string stop realtime orderbook stream
fetchCandleStickRange$ pair: string
minutesFoot: number
start: number
end: number
Observable<CandleStick[]> api request for candlestick
lastCandle$ pair: string
minutesFoot: number
lastCandle: CandleStick
Observable<CandleStick> Realtime candlestick stream, calculated from an initial lastCandle and realtime trade stream.
This function is useful in implementing Tradingview datafeed

Besides, an exchange may have more specific functions, it depends on exchange provided features and implementation. In that case, specific guide for that exchange will be located at exchanges/{exchange}/ (TODO)

Contribution guide

In order to add a new exchange, simply clone folder src/exchanges/sample, rename, implement functions and include appropiate tests for sub-modules (ticker, orderbook...) and some internal functions.

Finally make sure the exchange sample pass predefined test by running

npm run test sample

If you find a bug or anything should be added to fit your need, please create issue. This is still in very early stage so any feedback would be much appreciated.


We can test all or 1 specific exchange. Note that a realtime test can fail by timeout according to server data stream coming late.

Test all

npm run test

Test specific exchanage

npm run test binance
npm run test bitbank


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  • dang1412