Welcome to ElasticacheAutoMonitor allows you to send email, sms, slack, or trigger aws lambda when an alarm occurs. You will get the following monitoring:
- Cpu Monitor: Should be less than 90%. (See below reference)
- SwapUsage Monitor: Should be less than 50M.
- Evictions Monitor: Should not have evictions value.
- CurrConnections Monitor: According to your business needs, default every 1 vcup is equal to 200 connections.
- FreeableMemory Monitor: Not less than 10%
Reference: Here
; // or sent with smsElasticacheAutoMonitor.setUpWithSmsstack, 'my-elasticache-id', ; // or sent with slackElasticacheAutoMonitor.setUpWithSlackstack, 'my-elasticache-id', ; // or trigger lambda;ElasticacheAutoMonitor.setUpWithLambdastack, 'my-elasticache-id', fn, ;