materializeCss styles for ceri-comps.
> Many components are still missing!
Changelog 2.0
- move to stylus
- allow finer control of loaded styles
- Easy style modification
- load only what you need
- no need for purifycss or uncss
# npm npm install --save-dev ceri-materialize normalize.css stylus stylus-loader# yarn yarn add --dev ceri-materialize normalize.css stylus stylus-loader#pnpm pnpm install --save-dev ceri-materialize normalize.css stylus stylus-loader
For the usage of the css only components see the very good materialize-css documentation.
For style personalization see the variable definitions.
Webpack config
module: rules: # when using roboto fonts: test: /\.woff\??$/loader: "url-loader?limit=10000&mimetype=application/font-woff" test: /\.ttf\??$/loader: "file-loader" test: /\.eot\??$/loader: "file-loader" test: /\.svg\??$/loader: "file-loader" # always: test: /\.styl$/loader: "style-loader""css-loader""stylus-loader"
configure stylus
create a file, for example materialize.config.styl
// normalize.css is recommended// install: npm install --save-dev normalize.css@require "~normalize.css" // materialize color palette @require "~ceri-materialize/1_color" // to include a color call addColor(colorName, type = "base")// addColor("black")// will add// .black// background-color: black// .black-text// color: black// addColor("grey","lighten-1")// will add// .grey.lighten-1// background-color: #bdbdbd// .grey-text.text-lighten-1// color: #bdbdbd // Variable definitions @require "~ceri-materialize/2_variables"// change variables here// $primary-color = getColor("grey", "lighten-1") // main content, you probably need this @require "~ceri-materialize/3_typography"@require "~ceri-materialize/3_utils"@require "~ceri-materialize/3_mixins" // Roboto font// install roboto-fontface: npm install --save-dev roboto-fontface// @require "~ceri-materialize/3_roboto"// to include a variant call roboto-font($variant="Roboto", $type="Medium", $style="Normal")// $variant can be "Roboto", "Roboto-Slab" or "Roboto-Condensed"// $type can be "Thin","Light","Regular","Medium","Bold","Black"// $style can be "Normal", "Italic// e.g.: roboto-font("Roboto", "Medium", "Normal") // css you may or may not need // @require "~ceri-materialize/4_breadcrumbs"// @require "~ceri-materialize/4_collections"// @require "~ceri-materialize/4_footer"// @require "~ceri-materialize/4_pagination"// @require "~ceri-materialize/4_responsiveTable"// @require "~ceri-materialize/4_table"// @require "~ceri-materialize/4_typographyFlowText"// @require "~ceri-materialize/4_videoContainer"// @require "~ceri-materialize/4_zLevels" // css for forms // @require "~ceri-materialize/5_inputFields"// @require "~ceri-materialize/5_checkboxes"// @require "~ceri-materialize/5_radioButtons"// @require "~ceri-materialize/5_range"// @require "~ceri-materialize/5_select"// @require "~ceri-materialize/5_switches" // advanced css // @require "~ceri-materialize/6_buttons"// @require "~ceri-materialize/6_grid"// @require "~ceri-materialize/6_navbar"// @require "~ceri-materialize/6_preloader" // ceri-comps // @require "~ceri-dropdown/materialize"// @require "~ceri-modal/materialize"// @require "~ceri-side-nav/materialize"// @require "~ceri-tooltip/materialize"// @require "~ceri-toaster/materialize"// @require "~ceri-progress/materialize // ceri-widgets // @require "~ceri-files-view/materialize"// @require "~ceri-login-modal/materialize// @require "~ceri-fab/materialize"
Require it like this in your entry file:
// or
No icons are included in the bundle.
You can either take the Google Material Design Icons as a font and use them the materializeCSS way:
or use ceri-icon
Copyright (c) 2017 Paul Pflugradt Licensed under the MIT license.