A tool to extract certificate information from the host.
- NodeJS - v7.2.0 (current)
$ npm install --global cerius
API Reference
cerius is an extremely simple command line tool to use.
-h & -p flags
Cerius can identify & extract certificate information for any hostname that is passed to it using the -h flag as described below.
By default the port number, if not specified is 443
$ cerius -h wwwgooglecom //outputwwwgooglecom Certificate InformationIssuer: US Google Inc Google Internet Authority G2Subject: US California Mountain View Google Inc wwwgooglecomSubject Alternative Names: wwwgooglecomExpires on: 02/02/2017 in 2 months
If a different port needs to be specified, then the same can be done as in the below example
$ cerius -h wwwgooglecom -p 443 //outputwwwgooglecom Certificate InformationIssuer: US Google Inc Google Internet Authority G2Subject: US California Mountain View Google Inc wwwgooglecomSubject Alternative Names: wwwgooglecomExpires on: 02/02/2017 in 2 months
Bulk option
There are chances when certificate information is to be extracted for a list of servers.
In that case we can use the bulk option, which accepts two parameters "path of the file to get list of servers" and "name of the output file". bulk
option only supports Excel files at the moment.
Syntax: cerius bulk {path_to_file.xlsx} {output_file.xlsx}.
!!NOTE: when using bulk
option, the output file will be generated in the current directory
The input excel file should have only one column filled with the host-names for which the information is to be extracted.
$ cerius bulk /serversxlsx certificatesxlsx //output100% processed - extracted certificate information for wwwgooglecom expires in 2 months in 02s Certificate analysis is completeGenerating Excel fileExcel created successfully !
Apache License.