Describe charity-base-form here.
do proper error handling in methods that destructure charity object (handle errors gracefully)
- done for finances - do same for rest
display issue with date input. change to reg year only? or make type='text' when unfocussed & empty?
"Basic" section title shows even if no children are specified in renderFields prop
should charity-base-search be a peer dependency? or should we just export charity-base-search as named export?
- fetch
- not recommended to change gqlFields if using renderFields?
- prevent stale updates in charity-base-search: use the effect cleanup function to either ignore or cancel stale requests
- displays 'no results' error message prematurely
- added prefix icon to cbs
- added acknowledgement to cbs
- replace fb & twitter favicons with svgs
- need to add a prompt when select a charity: "please check the info below is correct and fill in the blanks. help. (button to open modal with charitybase ref.)"
- actually, maybe put the 'are you a charity' toggle logic inside the component i.e. above search input? <-- i think this would increase uptake by funders
- "Cannot read property 'split' of null" error - maybe financialyear.end is empty?
- add error boundary as last resort
- onChange callback triggered on render (charity-base-search issue)
- use material-components and debug invalid inputs
- when no api key provided spinner just spins? (witnessed in widgets) [maybe this was a previous preact issue]