A chart.js plugin to dynamically downsample line chart data depending on the chart resolution. The plugin creates a mipmap-like data structure from line chart data and dynamically choses a downsampled version of the data depending on the chart resolution and x axis scale.
Inspired by: AlbinoDrought/chartjs-plugin-downsample
$ npm install chartjs-plugin-responsive-downsample
options: responsiveDownsample: enabled: true /** * Choose aggregation algorithm 'AVG'(Average values) or * 'LTTB' (Largest-Triangle-Three-Buckets). Default: 'LTTB' */ aggregationAlgorithm: 'LTTB' /** * The desired minimal distance between data points in pixels. * The plugin downsamples the data and tries to match this threshold. * Default: 1 pixel */ desiredDataPointDistance: 1 /** * The minimal number of data points. The chart data is not downsampled further than * this threshold. Default: 100 */ minNumPoints: 100 /** * Cull data to displayed range of x scale. Default: true */ cullData: boolean;