This is a helper script for unchecking checkboexs in stuff using the govuk frontend toolkit
Just inclide the script in your clientside stuff - it will add a CHECKBOX_UNCHECK
objectin the window.
The script is in the dist folder
The setup function is for handling checkboxes that uncheck other checkboxes ( ie, mutually exclusive responses ). Use it like this:
// in your markup, the checkboxes should have data-uncheck attributes...
// ...and be inside a div with the form-group class
<div class="form-group">
<div class="multiple-choice">
<input name="first" type="checkbox" value="first" data-uncheck="['second']" />
<label for="first">first</label>
<div class="multiple-choice">
<input name="second" type="checkbox" value="second" data-uncheck="['first']" />
<label for="first">first</label>
// then in a clientside script, just call the setup function
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
The apply function will uncheck all the checkboxes in a container when something is clicked. Use it like this:
// in a clientside script...
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
#clickable-element, // a selector for the thing that will be clicked
#container-of-checkboxes // a div with checkboxes ( and containers of checkboxes ) in
To view the examples, check out the repo, install the dependencies and run the app, like this:
git clone
cd checkbox-uncheck
npm i
npm start
then go to localhost:8080
To run the tests, just do
npm test