
1.1.1 • Public • Published


npm react library for changing color themes on the application.

created by Raul Escabia
github repository


install the package:
npm install chroma-shift

Import the package to your React app:
import { ChromaShift } from "chroma-shift"

Wrap your application with the ChromaShift component, preferably at the root level (e.g., in index.js, App.js):

   {/* You App components*/}

By default, the theme mode is set to USER, which automatically detects the system's configured color scheme. If you'd like to specify a theme, use the ChromaShiftThemes configuration:

import { ChromaShift, ChromaShiftThemes } from "chroma-shift";

// Default behavior (system-detected theme)
<ChromaShift initialTheme={ChromaShiftThemes.USER}>
    {/* Your app components */}

// Force light theme
<ChromaShift initialTheme={ChromaShiftThemes.LIGHT}>
    {/* Your app components */}

// Force dark theme
<ChromaShift initialTheme={ChromaShiftThemes.DARK}>
    {/* Your app components */}

In your CSS, you can define custom styles for different themes using the chroma-theme attribute:

/* Styles that apply to all themes */
:root {
    --background-color: white; 

/* Applies only on light theme*/
:root [chroma-theme="light"]{
    --background-color: white;

/* Applies only on dark theme*/
:root [chroma-theme="dark"]{
    --background-color: black;

The chroma-theme can be appended to any selector:

  • If no chroma-theme is specified, the styles will always apply (unless overridden).
  • If chroma-theme is present, the styles will apply only to the specified theme (light or dark).


Current Theme

You can access the current theme using the ChromaShiftContext:

import { ChromaShiftContext } from 'chroma-shift'

function MyTheme(){
    const { theme } = useContext(ChromaShiftContext);
        <p>My current theme is {theme}</p>

Change Theme at Runtime

You can dynamically update the theme at runtime using the setTheme function:

import { ChromaShiftContext, ChromaShiftThemes } from 'chroma-shift'

const {setTheme} = useContext(ChromaShiftContext);
// change the theme to dark

note: only themes that are on ChromaShiftThemes will be accepted

Add Custom Themes

You can define and add your own themes during initialization using the addThemes property:

// Component will be initialized with those themes onto ChromaShiftThemes
<ChromaShift addThemes={["red", "blue", "green"]}>
     {/* Your app */}

These themes will then be available in ChromaShiftThemes.


npm storybook: Launches Storybook to explore usage examples.
npm build: Builds the project using Vite.
npm test: Run tests for the project.


Versioning follows the standard major.minor.patch format
XX.XX.XX (major, minor, patch)

First release 1.0.0
Patch release - Backward compatible bug fixes, increment third digit
Minor release - Backward compatible new feature, increase middle digit and reset last digit to 0
Major release - Changes that break backward compatibility, increment first digit, reset others to 0


  • v1.1.0 : Added support for multiple themes.
  • v1.0.0 : First official release.
  • v0.3.4 : Fixed package not correctly generated to npm.
  • v0.3.2 : Fixed and added npmignore.
  • V0.3.1 : Added styling to storybook.
  • v0.3.0 : Added set theme on runtime.
  • v0.2.0 : Added theme access and changed css selector to chroma-theme.
  • v0.1.0 : First version of the package, includes just the initial mode and three default themes available.



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npm i chroma-shift

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  • raul_at_work