
0.0.46 • Public • Published


Component for the creation of Line charts and Area charts in chrt. Line charts are used to display data as a series of points connected by line segments. A line chart is often used to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time.

In Area charts, the area between axis and line are painted with colors, textures or hatchings, they facilitate the comparison of two or more quantities.

How to build

Install the dependencies

npm install

Build the package

npm build


If you want to develop and see the changes reloaded live into another app you can use the watch script

npm run watch

Use it as a module

Method 1 - tgz package

Use the tgz provided in the repository

You can use the chrt-line-VERSION.tgz package. The following commands will expand the chrt module in the node_modules folder of your project. Ready to be used with the usual import command:

cp chrt-line-VERSION.tgz SOMEWHERE
cd myproject
npm install SOMEWHERE/chrt-line-VERSION.tgz

Create a tgz npm package

You can create a package for testing with

npm pack

This command will create a file called chrt-line-VERSION.tgz in the root folder of chrt.

Method 2 - symlinked package

Create a global node module

npm link

This creates chrt-line module inside your global node_modules so that you can import it with import {chrtLine} from 'chrt-line';

Use the module in a different app

npm link chrt

This will create a sym link to the module created in your global.

Use it in your code

After having installed or sym-linked the node you can use it as usual

import {chrtLine} from 'chrt-line';


Unit test with Jest

Run npm run test to run all the tests on the code with Jest.

npm run test

To run only one test:

npx jest test/scales/scaleLinear.test.js

Package Sidebar


npm i chrt-line


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  • chrt