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CineGrain Pro Collection All Pack 18 !!EXCLUSIVE!!


as with most color grade projects these days, resolve was used in the final sequence to open up the image and fix chromatic aberration. this is a progression of an image through the cinegrain tool from the opening shots, to the final version. for the most part i was forced to use the default cinegrain texture (the other textures were too dark), as the look i wanted was just about impossible to get with the default; in some instances i needed to raise the black content of the grain (i'm sure this has an adjustment in the package), and in the denoise step, i needed to raise the grain itself. in a case like this, working with the cinegrain by hand with a slider or curve tool is all that's needed. this allows you to fine-tune the details, if you want to. since the grain is so visually intrusive, this is a better alternative to the denoiser's fake-looking "wavelet" or "gabor" based denoisers:

a few notes on using cinegrain: it's very good for creating a diffuse atmosphere or a mysterious mood (especially for 4k and above sequences) -- i probably applied a little too much on the opening sections, and at times, the look of the grain (when at its peak) is very reminiscent of a holga and certainly isn't appropriate for every project -- but i loved the texture of the light leading into the monochrome opening sequence and the clip that's even grainier towards the end, as it represents varda's falling into the abyss. 

of course, this is just one man's opinion (and i'm a little biased.. i've been a huge fan of the grain since my youth). but i decided to bring back a little nostalgia by using a series of clips i shot using a holga on our honeymoon in australia in '96; this was a long, long time ago, but it still looks great. i also like the electronic buzzing/crackle-fringed approach of a cinegrain clip, as it feels a little alien and final cut friendly like the stuff from a vhs tape (or from a digital camera that was prone to jagged results). i recorded the clip in final cut, and had to re-render it into davinci resolve for the cinegrain to work. 84d34552a1

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