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3.1.0 • Public • Published

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Cloud Events Router

The simplest typed cloudevents routing library for nodejs. Library has a single dependency to cloudevents npm library.

Library does not provide any input validation, just routing and typecasting!


npm install cloudevents-router

Define types

// Hand-code or use external events map
// [type: string]: T

import { MessagePublishedData } from "@google/events/cloud/pubsub/v1/MessagePublishedData";
import { BuildEventData } from "@google/events/cloud/cloudbuild/v1/BuildEventData";

type EventMap = {
	"": MessagePublishedData;
	"": BuildEventData;
	"my.custom.event.v1": {
		username: string;

Google Cloud events are described in cloudevents-router-gcp package

  npm install cloudevents-router-gcp
  import type { GoogleEvents } from 'cloudevents-router-gcp'


Other known compatible packages include:

Consume events

import { CloudEventsRouter } from "cloudevents-router";

const router = new CloudEventsRouter<EventMap>();

router.on("", async (event) => {
	console.log("PubSub ordering key",;

router.on("", async (event) => {
	console.log("Build images array", event.artifacts?.images);

	if (!event.artifacts) {
		// Error in handler will return 500 error code to the producer
		throw new Error("Artifacts not present");

router.onUnhandled((event) => {
	// This counts as normal consumer for any undefined event
	// ... so server will always return 200 status code
	// ... if you don't want to acknowledge events you need to throw from this handler
	console.log("Unknown event", event);

See example for more useful PubSub handling

Connect to http server

Using the @whatwg-node/server server adapter

import { getServerAdapter } from "cloudevents-router";
import http from "http";

const middleware = getServerAdapter(router);
const server = http.createServer(middleware);


If you are using express and want have a specific path for cloudevents processing.

import { getServerAdapter } from "cloudevents-router";
import express from "express";

const app = express();"/webhooks", getServerAdapter(router));


See @whatwg-node/server for many more integration options.

Return codes from server adapter:

  • 200 - OK
  • 405 - Method Not Allowed
  • 501 - Not Implemented (event not listened, and no onUnhandled listener)
  • 500 - Internal Server Error (error during processing)

Manual server configuration

If you are not using a webserver at all or your framework is not supported by ``then you can always manually connect the CloudEventsRouter using theprocess() method.

See more integration examples at

import { HTTP } from "cloudevents"

const receivedEvent = HTTP.toEvent({ ... });
await router.process(receivedEvent)

Thats it ...

... happy coding :)

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  • aarne.laur