
1.4.8 • Public • Published


CloudmersiveValidateApiClient - JavaScript client for cloudmersive-validate-api-client The validation APIs help you validate data. Check if an E-mail address is real. Check if a domain is real. Check up on an IP address, and even where it is located. All this and much more is available in the validation API. Cloudmersive Validation API provides data validation capabilities for validating email addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses, and many other types of business data.

  • API version: v1
  • Package version: 1.4.8


For Node.js


To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".

Then install it via:

npm install cloudmersive-validate-api-client --save
Local development

To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json (and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR. Then run:

npm install

Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR:

npm link

Finally, switch to the directory you want to use your cloudmersive-validate-api-client from, and run:

npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>

You should now be able to require('cloudmersive-validate-api-client') in javascript files from the directory you ran the last command above from.


If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:

    npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save

For browser

The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file, that's to say your javascript file where you actually use this library):

browserify main.js > bundle.js

Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.

Webpack Configuration

Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:

module: {
  rules: [
      parser: {
        amd: false

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

var CloudmersiveValidateApiClient = require('cloudmersive-validate-api-client');

var defaultClient = CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: Apikey
var Apikey = defaultClient.authentications['Apikey'];
Apikey.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//Apikey.apiKeyPrefix['Apikey'] = "Token"

var api = new CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi()

var input = new CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.ValidateCountryRequest(); // {ValidateCountryRequest} Input request

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.addressCheckEUMembership(input, callback);

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi addressCheckEUMembership POST /validate/address/country/check-eu-membership Check if a country is a member of the European Union (EU)
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi addressCountry POST /validate/address/country Validate and normalize country information, return ISO 3166-1 country codes and country name
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi addressCountryList POST /validate/address/country/list Get a list of ISO 3166-1 countries
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi addressGeocode POST /validate/address/geocode Geocode a street address into latitude and longitude
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi addressGetCountryCurrency POST /validate/address/country/get-currency Get the currency of the input country
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi addressGetCountryRegion POST /validate/address/country/get-region Get the region, subregion and continent of the country
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi addressGetTimezone POST /validate/address/country/get-timezones Gets IANA/Olsen time zones for a country
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi addressNormalizeAddress POST /validate/address/street-address/normalize Normalize a street address
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi addressParseString POST /validate/address/parse Parse an unstructured input text string into an international, formatted address
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi addressReverseGeocodeAddress POST /validate/address/geocode/reverse Reverse geocode a lattitude and longitude into an address
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi addressValidateAddress POST /validate/address/street-address Validate a street address
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi addressValidateCity POST /validate/address/city Validate a City and State/Province combination, get location information about it
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi addressValidatePostalCode POST /validate/address/postal-code Validate a postal code, get location information about it
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.AddressApi addressValidateState POST /validate/address/state Validate a state or province, name or abbreviation, get location information about it
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DateTimeApi dateTimeGetNowSimple GET /validate/date-time/get/now Get current date and time as of now
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DateTimeApi dateTimeGetPublicHolidays POST /validate/date-time/get/holidays Get public holidays in the specified country and year
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DateTimeApi dateTimeParseNaturalLanguageDateTime POST /validate/date-time/parse/date-time/natural-language Parses a free-form natural language date and time string into a date and time
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DateTimeApi dateTimeParseStandardDateTime POST /validate/date-time/parse/date-time/structured Parses a standardized date and time string into a date and time
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DomainApi domainCheck POST /validate/domain/check Validate a domain name
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DomainApi domainGetTopLevelDomainFromUrl POST /validate/domain/url/get-top-level-domain Get top-level domain name from URL
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DomainApi domainIsAdminPath POST /validate/domain/url/is-admin-path Check if path is a high-risk or vulnerable server administration path
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DomainApi domainPhishingCheck POST /validate/domain/url/phishing-threat-check Check a URL for Phishing threats
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DomainApi domainPost POST /validate/domain/whois Get WHOIS information for a domain
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DomainApi domainQualityScore POST /validate/domain/quality-score Validate a domain name's quality score
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DomainApi domainSafetyCheck POST /validate/domain/url/safety-threat-check Check a URL for safety threats
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DomainApi domainSsrfCheck POST /validate/domain/url/ssrf-threat-check Check a URL for SSRF threats
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DomainApi domainSsrfCheckBatch POST /validate/domain/url/ssrf-threat-check/batch Check a URL for SSRF threats in batches
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DomainApi domainUrlFull POST /validate/domain/url/full Validate a URL fully
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DomainApi domainUrlHtmlSsrfCheck POST /validate/domain/url/ssrf-threat-check/html-embedded Check a URL for HTML embedded SSRF threats
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.DomainApi domainUrlSyntaxOnly POST /validate/domain/url/syntax-only Validate a URL syntactically
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.EmailApi emailAddressGetServers POST /validate/email/address/servers Partially check whether an email address is valid
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.EmailApi emailFullValidation POST /validate/email/address/full Fully validate an email address
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.EmailApi emailPost POST /validate/email/address/syntaxOnly Validate email adddress for syntactic correctness only
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.IPAddressApi iPAddressGeolocateStreetAddress POST /validate/ip/geolocate/street-address Geolocate an IP address to a street address
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.IPAddressApi iPAddressIpIntelligence POST /validate/ip/intelligence Get intelligence on an IP address
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.IPAddressApi iPAddressIsBot POST /validate/ip/is-bot Check if IP address is a Bot client
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.IPAddressApi iPAddressIsThreat POST /validate/ip/is-threat Check if IP address is a known threat
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.IPAddressApi iPAddressIsTorNode POST /validate/ip/is-tor-node Check if IP address is a Tor node server
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.IPAddressApi iPAddressPost POST /validate/ip/geolocate Geolocate an IP address
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.IPAddressApi iPAddressReverseDomainLookup POST /validate/ip/reverse-domain-lookup Perform a reverse domain name (DNS) lookup on an IP address
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.LeadEnrichmentApi leadEnrichmentEnrichLead POST /validate/lead-enrichment/lead/enrich Enrich an input lead with additional fields of data
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.LeadEnrichmentApi leadEnrichmentGetCompanyInformation POST /validate/lead-enrichment/lead/email/company-information Get company information from email address
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.NameApi nameGetGender POST /validate/name/get-gender Get the gender of a first name
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.NameApi nameIdentifier POST /validate/name/identifier Validate a code identifier
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.NameApi nameValidateFirstName POST /validate/name/first Validate a first name
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.NameApi nameValidateFullName POST /validate/name/full-name Parse and validate a full name
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.NameApi nameValidateLastName POST /validate/name/last Validate a last name
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.PhoneNumberApi phoneNumberSyntaxOnly POST /validate/phonenumber/basic Validate phone number (basic)
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.TextInputApi textInputCheckHtmlSsrf POST /validate/text-input/html/check/ssrf Protect html input from Server-side Request Forgery (SSRF) attacks
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.TextInputApi textInputCheckSqlInjection POST /validate/text-input/check/sql-injection Check text input for SQL Injection (SQLI) attacks
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.TextInputApi textInputCheckSqlInjectionBatch POST /validate/text-input/check/sql-injection/batch Check and protect multiple text inputs for SQL Injection (SQLI) attacks in batch
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.TextInputApi textInputCheckXss POST /validate/text-input/check/xss Check text input for Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) attacks
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.TextInputApi textInputCheckXssBatch POST /validate/text-input/check-and-protect/xss/batch Check and protect multiple text inputs for Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) attacks in batch
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.TextInputApi textInputCheckXxe POST /validate/text-input/check/xxe Protect text input from XML External Entity (XXE) attacks
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.TextInputApi textInputCheckXxeBatch POST /validate/text-input/check/xxe/batch Protect text input from XML External Entity (XXE) attacks
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.TextInputApi textInputProtectXss POST /validate/text-input/protect/xss Protect text input from Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) attacks through normalization
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.UserAgentApi userAgentParse POST /validate/useragent/parse Parse an HTTP User-Agent string, identify robots
CloudmersiveValidateApiClient.VatApi vatVatLookup POST /validate/vat/lookup Validate a VAT number

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Apikey
  • Location: HTTP header




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npm i cloudmersive-validate-api-client

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  • cloudmersive