
1.0.14 • Public • Published



Licence: ISC

Welcome to Clutch.js! This project is a just-in-time automated package designed to enhance performance standards dramatically. With clutch.js, you'll be able to streamline your workflow, optimize your code's efficiency, and upgrade your JavaScript development experience altogether.

🚀 Key Features

  • Just-In-Time Automation: Clutch.js isn't just a static tool; it actively adapts to meet the evolving needs of your project. It meticulously looks for scenarios where it can streamline operations and apply necessary changes to increase efficiency at the most opportune times.

  • Performance Enhancement: Much more than a simple utility, Clutch.js fertilizes your application's effectiveness by integrating sophisticated techniques. It uses strategies like memoization to avoid unnecessary computations, multithreading to optimize CPU usage, and data compression to lessen memory footprint and I/O operations latency.

  • Benchmarking: Equipped with inherent benchmarking functionalities, Clutch.js measures the time taken for your operations to complete, providing a clear quantitative view into your system's inner workings. This visibility is essential in pin-pointing performance bottlenecks and making informed decisions on where optimizations are worth pursuing.

  • Flexible Application: With its inclusive nature, Clutch.js can efficiently cater to versatile technological landscapes and distinct development approaches. Regardless of the complexity or the type of your project, you can harness its power for a more streamlined, efficient development experience.

🗂 Table Of Contents

💡 Installation

Install Clutch.js as a development dependency with the following command:

npm install --save-dev clutchjs

📚 Usage

Integrate Clutch.js into your project by using the following import statement:

const clutch = require('clutch.js');

More usage details can be found in the Documentation section.

👥 Contributing

We welcome any contributions to Clutch.js! For information on how to contribute, please refer to our contributing guidelines.

🧪 Testing

Run the following command to execute the pre-written tests:

npm run test


const Clutch = require('clutch.js');

A sample function to demonstrate memoization

const expensiveCalculation = (num) => {
    // hypothetically expensive calculations...
    return num * num;

Create a memoized version of the function

const memoizedExpensiveCalculation = Clutch.memoize(expensiveCalculation);

// The initial call calculates and caches the result
console.log(memoizedExpensiveCalculation(5)); // Calculation performed

// Subsequent calls with the same parameter will use the cached result
console.log(memoizedExpensiveCalculation(5)); // Result retrieved from cache

Multithreading: Start new thread

const myThread = new Clutch.Thread(() => {
  // ... long running task ...

Start the thread.


🔗 Integrating Clutch.js With Other Libraries

Express.js and Clutch.js Integration Example

Clutch.js can be effectively used with Express.js to create multi-threaded servers for highly concurrent applications. Here are some basic steps to integrate these libraries:

Install Express.js and Clutch.js using npm, if they aren't already installed:

npm install express clutch.js

Then, use Clutch.js in your Express.js server like this:

const express = require('express');
const Clutch = require('clutch.js');
const app = express();

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    const myThread = new Clutch.Thread(() => {
        // ...your complex operations...


app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000'));

In this example, Clutch.js is used to perform complex operations in a new thread for every incoming request, ensuring that the main thread isn't blocked and your server can accept more incoming connections while processing.

MongoDB and Clutch.js Integration Example

Clutch.js can also be integrated with MongoDB to perform operations asynchronously. Here's how you can achieve this:

First, install MongoDB driver and Clutch.js using npm:

npm install mongodb clutch.js

Then, use Clutch.js in your MongoDB data processing tasks:

const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const Clutch = require('clutch.js');

MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/mydatabase', function(err, db) {
    const myThread = new Clutch.Thread(() => {
        // ...your MongoDB operations...

In this example, Clutch.js is used to process MongoDB operations in a new thread, ensuring that the main thread isn't blocked and your application remains responsive to other tasks.

🚄 Performance Enhancement

Learn more about how Clutch.js enhances performance through advanced techniques such as memoization, data compression, and multi-threading in the Performance Enhancement documentation.

⏱ Benchmarking Analysis

Discover how Clutch.js uses internal benchmarking systems to identify performance bottlenecks and areas of potential optimization. Details can be found in the Benchmarking Analysis documentation.

📝 Licensing

Clutch.js is licensed under the ISC license. For more information, see LICENSE in this repository.

Need help?

Feel free to submit a GitHub issue or reach out directly if you have any questions or issues.

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  • klenovich