color-theme-generator is a module used for generating color themes that are based in color theory. The module can generate analogous, complementary, monochrome, split complementary and triadic themes. For explanation of these see monchrome and others. In addition it can set common CSS properties that affect the colors of HTMLElements. To visually test the colors in the browser the module can create color swatches, a HTMLElement with CSS properties that displays the color.
npm install color-theme-generator
import { Triadic, HTMLColorSwatch } from 'color-theme-generator'
try {
const swatchMaker = new HMTLColorSwatch()
const triadicTheme = new Triadic()
const requestedNumberOfColors = 5
const generatedColorTheme = triadicTheme.generateColorTheme(requestedNumberOfColors)
const colors = generatedColorTheme.colorsInTheme
for (const color of colors) {
const element = document.createElement('div')
swatchMaker.turnElementIntoColorSwatch(element, color)
} catch (e) {
import { RandomColorTheme, CSSColorSetter } from 'color-theme-generator'
try {
const CSSSetter = new CSSColorSetter()
const randomTheme = new RandomColorTheme()
const generatedColorTheme = randomTheme.generateColorTheme() // Generates a theme with 2 - 5 colors.
const colors = generatedColorTheme.colorsInTheme
const exampleElements = []
for (const color of colors) {
const element = document.createElement('div')
CSSSetter.setCSSBackgroundColorPropertyOn(element, color)
} catch (e) {
import { RandomColorTheme } from 'color-theme-generator'
try {
const randomTheme = new RandomColorTheme()
const generatedColorTheme = randomTheme.generateColorTheme() // Generates a random theme with 2 - 5 colors.
const lightestColor = generatedColorTheme.colorsInTheme[0]
const element = document.createElement('div') = lightestColor.hsl
} catch (e) {
To see the full documentation see docs.
To contribute you can make bugreports and see current ones in github. If you want to extend or experiment with the module you can fork the project in github.
To see the testreports go to testreports.
This module is part of an assignment in the course 1DV610, held by Linnaeus University. That means that the author of this module is a student.