Commitlint Plugin Regexscope
A commitlint pulgin that supports only check regex match scope parts
Getting Started
npm install --save-dev commitlint-plugin-regexscope
And confighure commitlint.config.js
to use regexscope plugin.
moduleexports = plugins: 'commitlint-plugin-regexscope' rules: 'regexscope': 2 'always' pattern: '' clean: null enum: 'core' 'ui' case: 'lower-case'
options: RegexScopeOptions
pattern?: string | RegExp
- specify substring which you want to check
- default: ``
clean?: string | RegExp
- clean your substring to match enum
- default:
enum?: string[]
- conditon:
regex matched subscope
is found inenum
- default:
- conditon:
case?: string
- condition:
is incase
- default:
- condition: