This module is forked from Citybound Comp-Geo, repaired and made partially working by @mflux.
2D Computational Geometry for Javascript
Uses primitives with a configurable thickness for giving reasonable results even for inaccurate inputs.
Status of this module
The module this was forked from was no longer being maintained. I've managed to get skeleton and shape / paths working. The rest may still be broken as the tests are not currently passing. Use at your own peril!
npm install
npm run test
Development and Web Example
npm install
npm install -g budo
npm run dev
- Line, Ray, LineSegment
- Circle, Curve
- Path (LineSegments + Curves)
- Shape
- Stroke
Shape Operations
- Clipping/Boolean Operations
- Offsetting/Straight Skeleton
Skeleton Triangulation
See example/app.js
For general use from path to THREE.js roof shapes:
// Path is an array of LineSegment(s)
const skeleton = new CompGeo.Skeleton( path, Infinity );
const skeletonPath = new CompGeo.shapes.Path( skeleton.spokes );
const shape = new CompGeo.shapes.Shape( path.concat( skeletonPath ) );
const geometry = shape.triangulate();