TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.1.1 • Public • Published

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confinode - Node.js application configuration management

This package provides a library whose purpose is to be a standard and universal configuration file manager for Node.js applications. Its main features are:

  • synchronous or asynchronous… or both;
  • file system access cache;
  • appropriate configuration file searching;
  • configuration file loading, based on its name or on a module name;
  • a lot of file type supported (out-of-the-box support for JavaScript, JSON, YAML, support for other types if appropriate modules can be loaded);
  • indirection management (if configuration is a string, it is the real path to the file to load);
  • inheritance management (a configuration can extend another one);
  • configuration analysis and errors control;
  • for TypeScript users, fully typed, including the configuration itself.


Because Slune is French firm, you will find all documents and messages in French. Other translations are welcome.

Anyway, because English is the language of programming, the code, including variable names and comments, are in English.

🇫🇷 Une version française de ce document se trouve ici.


Installation is done using npm install command:

$ npm install --save confinode

If you prefer using yarn:

$ yarn add confinode


Choose your manual:

  • Node.js application developers, you will be interested in the developer manual;
  • final user of an application including confinode, you will be interested in the user manual.

Issues, questions, contributions

Even though we cannot guarantee a response time, please feel free to file an issue if you have any question or problem using the package. Pull Requests are also welcome.

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  • sveyret