Console Hook
Hook into the console
for transparent log recording in production and log capture for testing.
npm install console-hook
Works in the browser too, just grab console-hook/index.js
method calls
Intercept all var Hook = ;var myHook = ; // okay, we're done playing with the console stuffsmyHook;
method calls and don't call console
Intercept all var Hook = ;var silence = true; // could be `isProduction`var myHook = ; // okay, we're done playing with the console stuffsmyHook;
Intercept only var Hook = ;var myHook = ; // okay, we're done playing with the console stuffsmyHook;
-like Logger
Use another // if you have an Ember app and already use Ember.Loggervar Hook = ;var myHook = ; // okay, we're done playing with the console stuffsmyHook;
Contributions are incredibly welcome as long as they are standardly applicable
and pass the tests (or break bad ones). Tests are written in Mocha and
assertions are done with the Node.js core assert
# running tests npm run test
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