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1.2.5 • Public • Published


Utilities to convert camelCase to sanke_case and snake_case to camelCase.
Nested object keys can also be converted together.

Get started

// use npm
$ npm i convert-cases -S

// use Yarn
$ yarn add convert-cases


4 functions are provided.

  • deeplyCamelize : Convert all nested object keys to camelCase.
  • deeplySnakize : Convert all nested object keys to snake_case.
  • snakeToCamel : Converts single string to camelCase.
  • camelToSnake : Converts single string to snake_case.

How to camelCase the keys of nested objects together

import { deeplyCamelize } from 'convert-cases'

const obj = {
  test_case: '1',
  array: [
    { array_case: 1 },
    { array_case: 2 },

deeplyCamelize(obj) // { testCase: '1', array: [ { arrayCase: 1 }, { arrayCase: 2 } ] }

In the case of TypeScript

You can specify the type before and after conversion by specifying generics.
However, no strict type checking is performed.

deeplyCamelize<BeforeObjType, AfterObjType>(obj)

How to snake_case the keys of nested objects together

import { deeplySnakize } from 'convert-cases'

const obj = {
  testCase: '1',
  array: [
    { arrayCase: 1 },
    { arrayCase: 2 },

deeplySnakize(obj) // { test_case: '1', array: [ { array_case: 1 }, { array_case: 2 } ] }

In the case of TypeScript

You can specify the type before and after conversion by specifying generics.
However, no strict type checking is performed.

deeplySnakize<BeforeObjType, AfterObjType>(obj)

How to convert a single string to camelCase

import { snakeToCamel } from 'convert-cases'

snakeToCamel('snake_case') // 'snakeCase'

How to convert a single string to snake_case

import { camelToSnake } from 'convert-cases'

snakeToCamel('camelCase') // 'camel_case'

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  • akoarum